Chapter 7

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It seemed like a normal day, Sukuna making breakfast, and their "parents" getting up to get ready for the day. "Hurry up! Or else you get no food!" Sukuna barked at the empty hallway, knowing his siblings heard him. "I'm moving, I'm moving... No need to be so demanding" (Y/n) complained as he exited his room. "Good morning..." Anya grumbled as she slinked out of (Y/n)'s room, having snuck in there to sleep with her sibling.

"I wouldn't be so demanding if you actually woke up on time! Now get eating before we're late!" Sukuna nagged as if he were a mother. Tiredly, the two siblings did as told and headed to the table, where there is a set of delicious breakfasts waiting for them. The "family" ate in comfortable silence, with the occasional clinking of silverware.

Not long, the bus had come to pick up the siblings, thankfully by then, they had all been dressed. "Be good, you three, especially you Sukuna" Loid told them through the bus's window. "Don't worry! I'll make sure he's good!" (Y/n) saluted, as his twin grumbled in distaste. "Bye-bye! See you soon!" Anya waved as the bus started to move, taking them to school.

"Let's do our best!" Anya cheered as she jumped out of the bus, not taking long to get to school. "Of course!" (Y/n) cheered with her, sharing her enthusiasm. Sukuna just rolled his eyes, not taking part in their excitement as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "Here we are, my lady," a butler said, as he opened the door for Anya's new friend.

"Hello, Anya and..." Becky trailed off, having not been introduced to the twins yet. "I'm (Y/n) Forger, this is my grumpy twin, Sukuna! We're Anya's older brothers!" (Y/n) greeted as he wrapped an arm around Sukuna's shoulders. "I am not grumpy! Also, get off me!" His twin growled, despite making no effort to get (Y/n) away from him.

"So, you guys took the bus? How about I have my driver drive you three to and from the school, with me?" Becky suggested, mostly looking at Sukuna. "Would that make me your sister?" Anya asked eagerly, not understanding it was just a nice gesture. "No, we don't need more siblings" Sukuna quickly denied. "Anya, it's just a nice suggestion, alright?" (Y/n) explained lightly, earning an "ohhh" from his sister.

Their little walk was quickly interrupted by accidentally running into Damian and his friends. A look of disgust crossed Becky's face, while Sukuna just smirked in mockery. "Quit staring at us like that! You weirdos!" One of Damian's friends exclaimed. "Eh? Who cares about that? Shouldn't we be heading to class?" (Y/n) asked, not wanting to be late on his first day.

"He's right, come on Anya, before their low IQ spreads to us," Becky said as she grabbed Anya's hand, dragging her away. "Ha! As if" Sukuna fake laughed, following after the two girls. "See you in class!" (Y/n) waved cheerfully to the three boys, running after his siblings. This left Damian and his friends speechless, unaware that Loid is spying on them from the school's roof.

When they sat down, every student shuffled away from them, too afraid to be next to Sukuna. The few that did sit nearby tended to just stare down at their papers, pretending to not see him. "Class, please be seated" the teacher instructed as he entered through the door. Sukuna looked next to him, seeing Anya and Becky getting along, while his twin looked as cheerful as ever.

It wasn't even the first class yet, and Anya had already fallen asleep, thankfully the class had just ended. "Oi, get up" Sukuna demanded as he shook her a bit roughly. "Anya, come on, we've got to go to our next class" (Y/n) encouraged vocally, as he had to lean backward to allow Sukuna to touch Anya. Thankfully she woke up, now ready for her next class, still unaware of Loid's presence.

During the next class, Sukuna sweatdropped as he stared at the writing in the shadow. It said: "Apologies to Damian, now!" How demanding. Sukuna simply turned his attention to the source, catching Loid's attention. With a mocking smirk, Loid received the middle finger. Indicating that he will not, in fact, apologize to Damian, no matter the cost.

This continued throughout the day, with multiple signs for Sukuna to be encouraged to apologize. Occasionally, (Y/n) would notice the signs as well, on accident, but naturally shrugged them off. Though, seeing every note started to make Sukuna agitated, which does not lead to good outcomes.

As Loid worked at lunch, he sweats nervously as he felt the glaring daggers from Sukuna. (Y/n) attempted to calm down his twin, which did nothing. Anya tugged on (Y/n)'s shirt, gaining his attention, and leaving Sukuna to continue his glaring contest. "(Y/n)? Can you apologize for Suki?" Anya asked cutely.

"Of course! Here..." (Y/n) trailed off as he licked his hand and slicked his hair back, showing off his Sukuna impression proudly. "Woah! I can't tell the difference!" Anya praised, while Becky gazed at (Y/n) up and down judgingly. "Alright! Wish me luck!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he stood up, and made his way to Damian. "Eh? Where the hell-?" Sukuna grumbled until he spotted (Y/n) being the idiot that he is.

(Y/n) smirked as he dramatically pointed at Damian, forcing him and his friends to stand up. "What do you want?" "Why are you here?" His friends bombarded him with questions. "Ahm... Please forgive me!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he bowed to Damian, making the trio confused. "Why are you apologizing to me? Shouldn't it be your brother?" Damian asked, clearly not buying the act.

"I- Uh... I am Sukuna?" (Y/n) questioned, sounding clearly unconvincing, it didn't help that his hair finally fell down. "Hehe... Okay, fine, but I am sorry! Truly! My brother isn't the greatest with people" (Y/n) admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Tch! Whatever" Damian scoffed, not really caring.

"Cool! Thanks bud!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he engulfed Damian in a surprising hug. "Gah-! Let go of me!" Damian squawked, a light blush painted on his cheeks. Never in his life has he been hugged, along with being the source of actual happiness that visibly radiated off of someone. Especially since he gave nothing to (Y/n) to cause such a reaction from him. "GET OFF! I REFUSE YOUR APOLOGY! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Damian exclaimed as he got out of (Y/n)'s grip and ran off.

"Eh??" (Y/n) questioned as he stared at the spot Damian once stood. "Dumbass, get back to lunch" Sukuna scolded him as he smacked his twin on the head. "What did I even do!" (Y/n) cried as he held his head in pain, fake tears appearing in his eyes. Meanwhile, Anya stared at Loid, who is on his knees, completely defeated in his attempts of getting on Damian's good side. "What even was that...?" Becky muttered to herself, confused by the whole situation.

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