Part 3

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(This is irl btw)

Once Will got everything set up, he sat down on the couch, turned on the TV, and waited for the others to show up.

Some movie was on TV, but Will wasn't paying attention. He was too busy thinking about Dustin's friends.

Were they Wills friends too? How come Dustin never told them about his other friend group, they seemed close.

His thoughts kept going back to Mike.
Even though he had only seen one picture of him, Will had already thought about Mike over and over again. Why? He didn't know. All Will knew was that Mike was really pretty.

He was lost in his thoughts when the doorbell rang. He jumped up, excited to meet the people he had been talking to for the last two days.

He opened up the door to see Dustin, Lucas, Eleven, and a girl with bright red hair, which he assumed was Max

"Hey guys! Come in, come in. Welcome to my lovely abode."

"Hey Will!" Dustin said, smiling, "This is Max."
"I think he figured that out already Dustin," the red head said, smirking.
"Oh. Did you Will?"
Will smiled, "Yeah, I could kinda tell, sorry."
Dustin shrugged, "Oh well, it's no big deal."

"Where are the others?" Lucas asked, glancing around.
"They aren't here yet. You guys are the first ones here. Congrats!!" Will said, doing jazz hands.
Eleven laughed before asking "What should we do while we wait?"
"Well, there's a movie on TV, I'm not sure which one though," Will shrugged.
"Sometimes I wonder how you can sit in front of a movie but not watch it." Dustin said, sitting on the couch.
Will scoffed, "It's a talent of mine," he said sarcastically.

"WILL! THE OTHERS ARE HERE!" El shouted, looking out the window.
"Okay jeez," Will flinched, "You don't need to yell. I'm right here."
"Sorry, I'm just excited," the girl said, smiling.

Will walked over to the door.

He opened it to see Robin, Eddie, and what he assumed to be Steve and Nancy, standing there, chatting about school.

"Hey guys!" Will said, "Come in!"
"Hey Will, how are you?" Robin asked, stepping in to the house.
"I'm fine, Robin, you're like an overprotective dad," Will rolled his eyes.
"Hey! We call Steve mom!" Max said, waving.
"Yeah, but it's not funny." Steve said, glaring at Max.
Max laughed, and got up to say hi to Eddie and Robin.
"Is that everyone?" Will asked, glancing at Dustin.
"No, we're still missing Mike," Dustin said, crossing his legs.

Mike. The person that has been on Wills mind for two whole days. Will wondered where he was. Maybe he backed out. Who wouldn't, Will thought. It's not like their friend group was normal. They had two different age groups!

"Mike's always late," Nancy said, disapprovingly.
"I thought you were siblings?" Will asked.
"We are, but I leave before Mike so I'm not late." Nancy said.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Will, who was still lost in thought, didn't hear it until Dustin jumped in front of him and started jumping up and down.

Will snapped out of his thoughts. He slowly walked to the door.

Once he opened the door, he saw Mike, standing there, fidgeting with his fingers.
He was just as pretty in person. With his curly black hair and his freckled face.
"Uhh, hi." Mike said, staring at Will, "Are you okay?"
Will blinked, then realized he had been staring.
"Yeah sorry, I spaced out for a sec."
"It's fine," Mike laughed.

Wow, his laugh. Will sighed as he realized this was going to be a long day.

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