The Birth

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Jason's pov

Miranda's being induced today. Our little girl is coming into the world today. I'm nervous but excited. I have to remind myself through the pain. This is why I came back. For her. For our baby. "You're gonna feel a slight pressure then contractions should start." I nervously hold her hand as they do the induction. "Won't be long now." She says, smiling. "I can't wait to meet our little girl." I reply, squeezing her hand gently. "Luke just texted me pictures of our dining room. It's decked out in pink streamers and a cake." I show her my phone and she starts happy crying. "Oh my goodness! I can't believe she's finally coming!! I can't wait to hold her." I hug her tight, looking forward to this. He calls me. "What's up, my brother! We're all looking forward to meeting Baby Girl!" He shouts excited. I laugh and put him on speaker. "How's it going, girl?" "Eh not hurting yet. Just waiting for contractions to start." She says, squeezing my hand with the biggest smile. I love seeing her so happy. "You guys getting the epidural?" Caroline asks, stealing the phone from Luke making me laugh. "Yeah whenever they offer it." Just then she cried out and squeezed my hand tighter. "Contraction?" I ask. She nods. "Whoo that hurt." She mumbles.

*a few hours later*

"Wow this is going fast. You're already 10 cm dialated. We can move you to the delivery room." The doctor says, surprising me. Crud. We're moving rooms. I'm gonna have to get up. "You ready?" I can't even look at her. I hate still being like this. "Y-Yeah I'll be up in a sec." I grab the bar on the wall to try and heave myself up. It wasn't as difficult this time thankfully. They were moving her bed and I was debating just sucking up what little dignity I have left and use the stupid wheelchair. I'll get there faster and in less pain. I reluctantly sit back down and follow behind them as the doctor pushes her bed. We get to the room and doc says baby is ready. I nervously hold her hand tight. "Everything is running smoothly. I'm going to count down from 3 and then you push." She's so strong and brave. I don't know how she does it. "You're doing great, hun." "Give me a big strong push!" The doctor says and then I hear the screaming of our little girl, making my heart pound in my chest. "She's here!" He says, holding her up. My hands tense up around the arms of my chair. He walks toward the weighing thing and my heart stops when he trips while holding her. I dive forward and catch her. A nurse helps me stand up. "Jason?" She whimpers, worried. "She's okay." I say, sitting back down. Someone hands me a pair of scissors. "Want to cut the umbilical cord?" She asks. I force a nervous smile and cut it. "Hey little angel." I murmur, touching her cheek. She's so tiny. "Angel?" Miranda whispers. "That's a perfect name." I can't help but smile. "Yep. So we're naming her Angel?" She smiles through her tears. I hold her hand. "You are an amazing woman." "I couldn't have done it without you." She whispers, shocking me. I'm not some tough guy. Hell I'm the exact opposite.

*a few weeks later*

I'm still in a wheelchair but I'm gonna try to do a show. I know it's not gonna be easy but I can't keep hoping my legs will get better. I have to get on with my life. As hard as it is on my self esteem to not be able to walk. This may just be the new normal. I hope it isn't but we'll see. I smile when I see my wife and our newborn baby girl. "Excited?" She asks, walking over and handing her to me. She holds my hand with the biggest green eyes I've ever seen. "You're precious." I whisper gladly. "I can't wait. We're gonna rock tonight." I say, turning around to stare at the large arena. Soon that will be filled with thousands of screaming fans.

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