A Wedding To Remember

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Miranda's pov

I stare at myself in the mirror. This is amazing. I can't believe we're getting married today. My mom walks in. "Oh my gosh, Miranda you look amazing." I smile through my tears. "That man is unbelievable." I whisper, happily. She hugs me. "I'm so proud of you, Miranda."

Jason's pov

I was waiting on the altar. Me and Luke were talking. "Man I can't wait." I whisper gladly. "I'm sorry about before." He says. "No harm done, Luke. It's in the past. Let's just forget it ever even happened." He smiles. "I'm so glad we're best friends." "Me too." The doors open and my drop dead gorgeous fiancé stands there in the most beautiful wedding dress I've ever seen. "Wow. She is stunning." I whisper breathless. "Now don't get all tongue tied like the first time you saw her in a dress." My face gets hot. "Ha ha very funny." I say glaring at him. Her dad was walking her down the aisle but halfway through, he stopped. "Hold on." He said, hugging Miranda. Everyone including me and her was confused. Then he walked to her stepdad. "Would you walk her down the aisle with me?" Chris stares at him completely shocked. Whoa. "Damn, man." Luke whispers shocked beside me. "You've been just as much a father to our little girl as I have." Wow. "Oh daddy!" Miranda gasps hugging him. She hugs her stepdad and they both walk her down the aisle. She had tears in her eyes by the time they made it all the way up here. I smile proudly and hold her hands. She wipes a tear off her gorgeous face. The preacher says what he's got to say then I get my vows from Luke. "From the moment in your parents' front yard when I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't imagine my life without you. You're my everything. My rock in hard times. My joke maker when I've gotten too drunk.." The congregation laughed. "I don't know anyone as fascinating and quirky as you are. I'm so in love with you, Miranda." The crowd of friends and family claps. Then my darling girl gets her wedding vows. "I never believed in love til I met you, Jason. Life was just twists and turns and failed relationships. I'd given up. But when you walked into my life, I knew what I had been missing the whole time. True unquestionable love. My heart has never been so full and I've never been so happy and I'm proud to be your wife. You're a wonderful man, and I know for a fact you're going to be a wonderful father when our baby gets here in 9 months." What?!!! I stare at her shocked. The church fell completely silent. "B-Baby.... I.... You.... Are... Are y-you pregnant?" She nods, smiling. "I found out yesterday and thought what better to announce it then now?" "W-Well... I... I've got to say... I... I didn't see this coming." "I didn't either but hey sometimes the best things in life aren't planned. Like a certain heartfelt cowboy breaking down his truck right in front of my parents' place." I smile fighting back the tears of happiness. "Baby, I love you so fricking much and I love our little baby!" "Oh Jason, you are the greatest thing that ever happened to me!" The preacher stumbles on the next few words, probably as shocked as I was. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." I sweep her into my arms and kiss her passionately.  "Presenting Mr. And Mrs. Jason Aldean."

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