oh how the mighty fall (kings of a bygone era)

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Footsteps pounded through dimly lit hallways, relentless. Heavy breathing echoed in an empty castle as executioners and turncoats closed in on the crooked king. Gilded leaves and stained knives hung by threads glinted in the light as Prometheus burned a path for them. Red, bloody and violent, draped over them, not so different from burned Icarus's skin. A purple hat, dark as the night, followed beside, lighting the way as cinders caught on their coat. Their clothes were blood stained, the same from that treacherous night. The wine red of their coat perfectly matched the crimson on their shirt, a reminder from a more innocent time.

Flashes of green light, mops of pink hair, the clinking of gears; they all followed, but none were heeded. One might have called the group honorable, but the only honorable thing about them was their dedication. Judge, jury, and executioner, all played by people who shouldn't have the right to play them. But this was more than an execution... This was a performance. A final act to a play too long performed. And this play would end with a bang.

"Epimetheus, set explosives in halls 1-5," Torchbearer commanded the droid, who was currently busy poking at Prometheus. The droid turned to them, a mischievous smile adorning their face.

"Aye, aye, boss! Er- boss numero dos!" With that, Epimetheus was off, not bothering to hide their mechanical footsteps. A sound that felt like home to Prometheus, but an inconvenience to Torchbearer. She sighed, pulling her hat lower on her brow.

"Pray tell, how do you keep your sanity working with them?" Torchbearer muttered to their partner, glaring at the source of the grating metal-against-metal sound. Prometheus shrugged, masking a grin of their own.

"It's not that bad once you get used to them. Nevermind that, though. Blaze?" An unruly head of pink hair turned to them immediately, sharp eyes piercing their own.

"What?" Prometheus stopped a sigh from escaping. Blaze never liked them much after the Olive Garden incident.

"Explosives in halls 6-10, please," she said as pleasantly as she could. Torchbearer caught their eye as Blaze collected the bombs. She shrugged. Logically, they knew there was no reason to be so worried about this mission. It'd be a clean end (they didn't want to think about bloody guillotines and jeering crowds).

With Blaze and Epimetheus gone, it was just Prometheus and Torchbearer on their own. They didn't speak much, just asking for the occasional tool. There was something sick about their situation. Two ex-best friends turned allies, going against their other ex-best friend. In a perfect world, Prometheus knew, the three would still be together. Whether they be together as underdogs or the kings of the city, they'd have been together. But the world was cruel.

It didn't take long for Epimetheus and Blaze to return. Explosives set on a 45-minute timer, they knew they had to act quick. Sector five was small, but by no means was it simple. It was a labyrinth only the Minotaur and Theseus could traverse, locked in a horrific dance of life and death. They hacked through the remaining precautions, knives on threads and burnt axes clearing the path. At last, they stood at Delphiniums's door. Their last hideout, their last safe space. Each and every turncoat and executioner there was aware of what was on the surface.

When they were little kids, a Prometheus not yet devastated and a Torchbearer not yet burnt met a Delphiniums not yet wilted, right there, on the surface. They were all unique in their own ways: Prometheus from a family who was more crooked than the city knew, Torchbearer from the violent streets, and Delphiniums from scheming alleys. They were perfect for each other. Torchbearer could protect them from harm, help them when necessary. Delphiniums knew how to get what they wanted, how to win at any cost. Prometheus gave them care that they didn't receive, advice that they didn't know. Like three peas in a pod, the little kids soon grew to be the three kings of the kingdom.

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