Sorry (sakusa x cute gf)

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You don't ask for much in your relationship. All you want is for him to love you, care about you and when he can, given his busy busy life, pay attention to you fully. You're affectionate, you can't help but love and want to be loved.And for the most part, he was good at being yours wholly, spending time with you and being fully focused on you.
So imagine how disappointed you were when you, his precious love, had barely seen his face for the past week. It's not that a game was coming or the coach had upped his practice, so why was it that he was spending more time at the gym than with you?Ever since he had gotten serious with you, Sakusa was pretty good at dividing his time, fairly at that, between practice and you. But lately, you had a feeling that you were being neglected.One day, after returning from practice, Sakusa finds you behaving 'unusually'. Normally, you would bombard him with hugs and kisses and then spend the rest of the night talking to him about your day rather animatedly (which he loved by the way .your bright personality as his personal recharge )Tonight, you barely said hello and you were rather... pouty, almost as if you were mad at him. He racked his brain to figure out what he had done wrong but he couldn't come up with an answer. The rest of the night was spent with you giving him the silent treatment and him trying to figure out what he did wrong.Later at night when you guys were turning in for the night and you laid down without cutely demanding for a kiss, Sakusa decided enough is enough and he finally demanded what was making you so mad at him.You looking at him, pouting, and finally told him how you felt neglected. It all clicked in his head and he pinched his nose, disappointed with himself.He realized that he had indeed been neglecting you for the past week and you had been patiently waiting for him to realise his mistake. He felt awful!He sat there, beside you, forming the words in his head. He settled for a hug the one that you love the most, where you feel super tiny and super safe and a simple sorry. The words "It won't happen again" were not said but they hung in the air.You forgave him instantly and returned to your cheerful self. He smiled and promised to go on a date with you, despite the fact that he preferred to stay indoors rather than expose himself to the polluted air outside. But seeing you beam like that was enough to ignore all that. 



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