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Kuroo Tetsuro is an unquestionably busy man. He loves his job, he swears he does, and he knows it comes with a price. The price being that Kuroo has probably never had an actual relationship with anyone. But he doesn't seem to mind this. He's happy the way things are. He wakes up, goes to do what he does, occasionally meets up with his best friends, sometimes goes out with his colleagues, comes back to his house, sleeps. It's not like he's opposed to a relationship. Even he sometimes feels the need to have someone he could come home to. But he let's the thought slide and doesn't let it get to him. However currently at hand, Kuroo has the toughest challenge he's ever faced."Tetsuro, you have to be here on Sunday, I'm not taking a 'no' for an answer, Infact its not a request. Don't disappoint me. "It's not the dinner he's scared of. It's what will come along with it.


Kuroo's mother is stubborn, and all she wants is her twenty seven year old son to settle down with someone and start a family, which is something he doesn't want right now. So he says the worst possible excuse he could think of, "Mom I can't, I know the girl is amazing and comes from a really good family but I already have a girlfriend "oh" she said a silent sigh of relief when he feels assured that he won't be bothered anymore but he suddenly chokes over his own spit when she continues, "then why don't you bring her with you? I want to meet her as well."

And this is how Kuroo currently finds himself on the way to your cabin.

"Y/n, meet me in my office when you're done with your work"

Your usually cheerful boss is currently scowling and you can't help but think of a hundred reason for its cause.

"Maybe it's because of something I did?", is the worst possible thing you could think of as you finish up your work and knock on the door of his office.

Kuroo looks up from what he was doing and asks you to shut the door behind you and sit on the couch in the side of his office. You sit and patiently wait for him to say something but are a bit surprised when he gets up from his place and sits on couch beside you, with some space in between on order to not invade your personal space.

He looks at you and opens his mouth to say something but then decides not to and turns the other way.

"Sir, is something wrong?", you ask as you lift your hand to place on his in reassurance.

Upon the contact he looks at you and says, "Y/n, I want you to be my girlfriend."

"When was the last time I went for my complete body check-up? An year ago? Maybe I need to go again and get my ears checked this time", is what's going on in your mind when you say, "Sorry, what?"

"Be my girlfriend, y/n", you are about to scream, run around his office and pinch yourself in disbelief because yes you will, who would say no to him? especially when you have a crush on him since day one, when he continues, "just for a day. I-It's because of..." and he explains the whole thing when you exhale the breath you were holding for long.

"Why me?", is all you can ask the man looking at you expectantly.

"Well, I don't do favorites but you're definitely my favorite subordinate," he laughs "also because y/n, you're reliable and I know you'd help me out, won't you?"

"I will, Sir" 

playful wink, "Darling, I believe it's Tetsuro to you now".

Sunday for you is a day you usually spend doing absolutely nothing but today you find yourself in front of your closet deciding on what to wear. "Wear anything that makes you feel comfortable, you look good in anything anyway", is what Kuroo said when you asked and you couldn't help but smile at his words.

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