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no one pov

'im home' said akaashi

'konnichiwa' said bokuto

'did u cook'

'umm was i supposed to'

akaashi sighed and muttered something under his breath 

'of couse' akaashi continued 'ill go buy some food'

'ill come' said bokuto

bokuto pov 

keiji been really stressed cos of his work he didnt get his promotion

well it didnt matter to me but when i told him that he was mad 

after that he started judging me for things like my habits of saying uncomfortable things and not controlling my instincts and im worried about are relationship

as we were walking in awkward silence i came across a dog owner with a cute dog

my instincts told me to pet the dog and thats what i did i couldnt control it

keiji looked annoyed 

then the dog owner looked at keiji and said 'keiji is that you'

'yes maam'

'keiji who is this' i said i guess i looked annoyed or jealous

cos the girl said 'is this your boyfriend'

i was expecting him to say yes but he said no 'he is my friend'

i was shocked but he shot me a glare that told me to shut up

they talked for a while till she left with the dog

i then asked keiji who that was and he said that that's his boss (of course)

we didnt talk again

post timeskip

i was packing for a trip (that was why i didnt cook) when keiji came into our shared bedroom 

'hi' he said then he added 'where are you going'

'i have a trip tommorrow'

right then he continued 'listen im sorry'

i didnt say anything my plan was to ignore him

i packed while we didnt say anything 

till i asked 'do you still love me'

he didnt answer me he just  hugged me and started crying

i love you dont say things like that 

but you dont say that 

im sorry i was annoyed

he looked at me lovingly and he kissed me

tell me what you thought about it

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