August 18th

140 4 1

Dear diary,
my mom is disappointed. But I feel pretty good about it. The police found out that the second dna was Bens but they had no other prove so they didn't arrest him. I went to his house. He denied it but I know that he did it. They police also found out that Charlie got...okay I can't write it down. Ben...he...did something very horrible. So when I went to his house I didn't want to hear his explanations. I punched him. I was so in rage. I know it was wrong. Bens mother called the police. My mother had to pick me up at the police station. I know violence isn't right but Ben deserves it. He deserved every punch! I can't believe that Ben didn't got arrested. I mean, the dna was the only prove but why isn't that enough? There were two DNA's, mine and Bens. And it's obvious that I didn't kill Charlie. And I also didn't... I can't imagine this without getting angry. It's my fault too. I should have walked Charlie home. Just in case. Then I would have known that Charlie was save. I offered it to Charlie but he refused. Why did I let him go on his own? It's my fault that Ben got the chance to do this to Charlie. I feel so alone. I miss his voice, his smile, his eyes, just everything. I love Charlie so much. And I think I will never get over it. How can I ever get over it? I just hope that Ben doesn't try to sue me. That would be hilarious. I'm so sure that Ben killed Charlie. I hope the police find a better prove for that. It has to be Ben.

It's your turn:
Do the police find a prove that Ben killed Charlie?

A) Yes
B) No

In both cases Ben has an explanation for what happened.

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