A significant smirk

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"Silence!", spoke the minister of magic; Hector Flawley. The man spoke out of his wand using it, as if it was a microphone. He was an older man in his 50s with a magicians mustache curling at the ends, giving him a less approachable look to him.
Hector Flawley succeeded off of others achievements, he never did anything by himself this man was a people pleaser. Once Hector was patrolling the forest and was attacked, his partner saving him and stunning the attacker. So ashamed of his weakness he proceeded to kill his partner and take all the prestige for himself. The only person that witnessed the crime was Grindelwald, Hector believed Grindelwald was unconscious and pursued the murder.

The sound of the loud court room was white noise to Grindelwald. It was nothing he hadn't experienced before, the remarkes of privileged wizards that worked in the ministry. Grindelwald hated the way they complained as if any of Grindelwald's actions even affected them. It probably stopped the owling of there muggle hairgel, Grindelwald could admit that he had War crime charges on his back. But he could never get over the stupid privileged Ministry workers acting as if they have nothing. He often imagined them living in a day in his shoes.
Grindelwald tried to stiffle his laugh when thinking about there faces when he gets released without charge once again.

"What are you laughing about, your life sentence to Azkaban?" One the ministry workers shouted out trying to get a rise out of Grindelwald so he get more time to his sentence.
Grindelwald turned his head slowly toward the malnourished man to his left, he started to mumble quietly, "Wingardium Leviosa".
The man started to float until he brushed the top of the court room celing, Grindelwald stopped concentrating to watch his creation, letting the spell ware off. The Ministry man started to fall to his death until Hector Flawley stopped using his wand as a microphone and transfigured a net out of a man's Top Hat to catch the malnourished man.

"And I was just getting started, why delay the fun I'm going to have?" Grindelwald cocked his head innocently trying to get the minister to fluster.
"Here sits Gellert Grindelwald a man of many crimes, and now he will finally live up to his peak potential. Grindelwald is being charged of killing innocent Muggles in Europe, and trying to overthrow the wizarding world by manipulating the media.
"We have many witnesses here in this room, we have all seen first hand what Grindelwald did to our people. Credence Barebone please take the stand."
Grindelwald raised his eyebrows in suprise, he thought Credence was dead after the Dumbledores took him in. Not that Credence was ever loyal to him, after Grindelwald escaped from the election he never spared a thought toward Credence.

"My name is Credence Dumbledore, not Barebone." Credence spoke barley audiable, not making eye contact with anyone but his dead looking hands.
When he started to speak a spotlight shined on him, trying to draw the attention away from the extravagant room and whispering voices.

"Did Grindelwald ever threaten you Credence? Please try to explain with as much detail. If you can." The ministers voice still boomed without his wand, the man was trying to squeeze as much sympathy out of himself as he could. Making it look like he felt sorry for Grindelwald's victims.

In the spotlight you could see Credences corpse like body, every cut and bruise was not hidden most likely trying to show how Grindelwald allegedly harmed him. "Everytime I failed to complete one of his tasks he threatened to leave me behind. Right before the election I failed to kill Albus Dumbledore on request and he slammed me into a wall." Credence's voice started to crack and let out whimpers hen mentioning Albus Dumbledore's name. That name was not to be spoken around Grindelwald, Credence was unsure but was smart enough not to ask.

Credence was excused from the stand, not having any other charges against Grindelwald.
"Newt Scamader please take the stand, state your reason for your apperance." The minister seemed to be pleased with the way the trial was proceeding. Not many remarks made by Grindewald, and few tears from the witnesses.

Newt was more famous than ever after the election, proving the tampering with the Qilin. He was finally getting credit for all the wonderful things he's done the Wizarding World. Many articles like the daily prophet and even Rita Skeeter, wrote about him in his adolescent years at Hogwarts. Showing many young Wizards how you can make a difference in the world no matter your age. Newt was rarely seen in public after his debut, researchers took him on to help the endangered creatures in the Wizarding World. So he's more of a celebrity than a zoologist.

"Grindelwald has done so many treacherous things to our world, and the Muggle world. But frequently individuals look past what he's done to animals especially endangered ones like the Qilin. I think that it's important to hold him accountable for his actions even if they're not as big as killing Muggles were trying to overthrow the ministy."Newt spoke with such power over the whole room, being the only witness to look Grindelwald in his eyes. Credence couldn't even look up from his shaking hands.

Grindelwalds eyes never had an end to them, it was like swimming in an infinity pool trying to get to the end. Float or sink. In this situation Grindelwald decided to float, he had something up his sleeve, he was going to go out with a bang. Grindelwald was not wearing sleeves he was put in the Ministries lost and found clothing what all prisoners wear. Unfortunately he was not in his usual fashion, in fact Grindelwald was dressed like a church boy. Grindelwald couldn't remember the last time he's been at church but this is what it felt like. "Innocent" eyes peering at eachother through peripheral vision, trying to decipher good from bad. Like those labels even mean anything, the ministry has labeled Grindelwald as bad. But in past years the Ministry has committed such crimes but when they see Grindelwald they point and laugh turning their backs as if good and bad separate their actions.

The jury were made up of mediocre men that have never accomplished something significant in their life. They were "selected at random" but anyone with more than a muggle brain can figure out that they were all pureblood.

"Gellert Grindelwald what do you plead?" The minister looked like he'd finally woke up in time for this question.
The court room silenced there we're no more whispers. No more blowing noses, coughing, foot tapping. Everyone was completely frozen in place awaiting Grindelwalds answer.

Grindelwald smirked.

"Guilty Your Honor."

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