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Every day was the same for Albus Dumbledore, never crossing over the lines. It was better for him he thought after the capture of Grindelwald the only thing that distracted him was consistency. It was nearing the middle of term soon Hogwarts would be flourished with Christmas decorations. The lake would be frozen over and every path around Hogwarts coated with velvety snow. Having grown up in Britain snow wasn't much of a surprise to him, it became normal to see snow every winter. Yet, every year the seasonal change crept up on Dumbledore.

This was the first time in months was the Ministry had been in contact. Dumbledore wasn't mad about the fact that they were not speaking to him. He was just surprised that the ministry wasn't updating him about Grindelwald's trial. I mean he practically risked his life going to Grindelwald's election, and Albus got nothing in return.
Albus sat at his wooden desk looking over his empty classroom. All of his students went to Hogsmeade before the break to buy presents and food. He now lived in the castle, giving up his cottage to Aberforth and Credence. Dumbledore understood it was hard for Credence to see him, so he left trying to give him the best last days he could. Albus never understood why Credence was stressed around him, vaguely Credence mentioned Grindelwald "banning Albus Dumbledores' name and presence." Did Grindlelwald still think about him?

Dumbledore always left his windows open no matter the weather, since he got so many owls it was easier for them to deliver their parcels. A snowy white owl greeted Albus on his desk with a letter tied to its leg. He untied the letter carefully and led the owl to left pointing to a cage with food and water. The owl tweeted and rested its weight onto Albus until flying into the cage and taking a nap.
Albus opened the letter and started to read.

"Dear Albus Dumbledore

I apologize for the lack of updates concerning Gellert Grindelwald, I require you in my office by tomorrow I have some lines for you to sign. I appreciate all that you've done for the ministry, there's a possibility that you may be able to speak to Grindelwald if you please.

-Hector Fawley"


Albus Dumbledore stepped out of a Ministry fireplace and patted all of the ash off his trench coat. He started toward the main fountain where the elevators were located.
In the distance, Albus could hear shouting and not just one man thousands of people. Dumbledore decided he could afford to be 15 minutes late to Hector Flawleys meeting, and decided to follow where are all the sounds were coming from. Groups of people dressed in monochromatic outfits of green were laying on their backs screaming " Justice for Grindelwald!" "Free our man!"

Many Aurors were trying to make a path between the groups for workers trying to use the elevators. Albus almost slipped through before one of the men in all green yelled at him, "going to see your boyfriend Dumblewhore?"
Albus and Grindelwald were unopen to the idea of telling people. Dumbledore had only told close friends about his relationships, he started to wonder how Grindelwald telling the public would benefit him.

Albus stepped into the elevator with three other Ministry workers. The men were surrounded by green velvet lining the inside of the elevator. Dumbledore zoned out of their conversations. The men were talking about how money was wasted redoing the facility, and how their wing was the only one that wasn't upgraded.
Albus didn't even know what he was going to say to Grindelwald. After all of these years, in the seconds Albus was in the elevator he remembered every single argument, serious conversation, and promise. Albus did not feel guilty for Grindelwald. There was no way to Slither out of his issues now, he had to face the consequences.

Dumbledore was unloaded outside of the Minister's wing, he felt the vibration of every single boundary spell and charm protecting the walls. The walk to Hector Flawleys office was treacherous. Albus was forced to look at each dead minister floating through the long wing, some he recognized and others he wished he didn't recognize. Albus Dumbledore did have enemies most were throughout the ministry.
He never really agreed with the social standings of the ministry always having some issues with it. Growing up he became more powerful making him a bigger threat to the Ministry. Not taking into consideration if he had good intentions from the start.

Hector Flawley greeted him at the end of the hallway. "Albus Dumbledore we meet in person once again!"

Flawley had a personal Vendetta against Albus because he was the people's choice for the next minister.
Albus loosely followed him into his office, it was pretty simple since it was only his first couple of months as Minister. Nothing too personal is shown just a couple of pictures of his family. Hector Flawley owned a very large burgundy desk, on top of the desk were stacks of papers almost reaching the ceiling.

"I hope I am not required to sign all of these papers Hector." Dumbledore still staring at the large number of papers tried to keep the conversation going, to keep it off of Grindelwald long enough until he had to go see him.

The minister chuckled, "No, this is paperwork for something I have brought you here for. I may have lied a tad when I told you that I needed you here to sign a couple of things." Hector Flawleys face seemed unsettled like he was hiding a dirty secret of such.

Albus sat the chair perpendicular to the minister, "So why am I here? You people ever only bother if the world needs saving, do it without me this once.

"And that is why you need something to spice up your life Albus! Grindelwald's followers are murderous about his trial, as you may have seen entering the elevators. Grindelwald is no longer safe here, I and My headmaster have been thinking about moving Grindelwald to Hogwarts."

"So you plan on moving a mass murderer to a school of children. The excellent idea I just want to know what your thought process was." Albus was so angry he could stand up and leave. This was his breaking point sending a delinquent to a school. Albus wondered when the last time the Ministery ever listened to anybody else about the outcome of anything was. "I could have predicted this. The Ministry has never taken Grindelwald seriously, you were the judge at his trial you heard every crime he committed how could you ignore something like this."

"How dare you talk to me like this. I was not the only person that decided this Dumbledore, how about you have the same conversation with Your Hogwarts Headmaster and I bet you won't talk to him like this? The Minister was now standing right in front of his chair with his hands pressed on the desk. A vein in his head was popping out, this was his breaking point as well.

"You are right I would not talk to him like that. Because he is my boss and he could fire me you however have no power over me. Can't you see that he's scared of you, every wizard is so blinded by your title that they just follow every single word? I'm the only one well maybe not the only one including Grindelwald that doesn't respect you. And I'm proud of that I think that you should be worried about Grindelwald and sending him to a school do you not have anywhere else." Albus was letting it loose here he was so angry at this man for taking advantage of everyone doing his work for him.

"Albus I hope that you look after him well he is at Hogwarts since he is now on official duty half of your classes will be canceled. Grindelwald will now be a second teacher in the classroom. He is not allowed a wand and is only allowed to have contact with muggle items. You and your students should be safe and I think that you need a little more confidence in yourself since you're impenetrable then you should not fall to his manipulation Dumbledore."

Albus stood up from his chair and walked out the door. He continued walking until he got to the elevator, "A whole semester with him?" Albus couldn't even fathom what he was going to say to him for just one occasion. How is he going to handle teaching and looking after a murderer at the same time? Albus deiced not to leave he was also there to see Grindelwald, he didn't want to know him again.
Albus felt like he was living the same life as Gellert. Parallels even, same emotions twenty-nine years later.

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