Blinded by Hate

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Dumbledore stared at his classroom door, his eyes could burn holes in it. Hundreds of times Albus had imagined famous wizards opening his classroom door, but he no longer believed in that dream. These days there weren't many things Albus Dumbledore believed in, the list gradually shrinking by the day. Many of the dreams on his list we're very unlikely for example him finding another person to be with. Love really wasn't on the table for Albus anymore it was kind of something that you get one attempt at. Albus was in full belief that he had that one chance and he didn't want to ruin someone else's chance just to feel that again. Albus impulsively pushed away heartfelt memories, it was easy to remember how toxic and disgusting Gellert Grindelwald made always feel. It was easy to remember everything bad that happened to him not that he wanted to remember, but it was harder to think about how good Grindelwald made Albus feel. Before everything happened they were friends and sometimes even more than friends he wanted to go back to that, but he knew he never would because of the person Gellert had become. Deep down he could never remove that thought of wanting to make things better but that was too far in the past, and he wanted to focus on the future.

Hogwarts started to fill back up after the holidays, classrooms were restored to the regular noise. Prejudice was one of the main qualities that did not get left behind at the holidays, purebloods were still purebloods.
"Welcome back I trust you had a great holiday, I know the break is unfortunately over and we need to return to our normal setting. Our class will be a little different this semester Gellert Grindelwald is being sent to Hogwarts. I need to warn you that he is a criminal in my eyes, everyone in this classroom will have different opinions Grindelwald because I know that many of you were slytherins and look up to him. I hope you guys get something out of it because he was once one of talented Wizards in the last 30 years." Albus was very talented at lying to students it was not something he enjoyed but he had to put his faith in the Headmaster.

"A criminal is staying in Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore how is that even allowed?" A pudgy boy questioned Dumbledore, he was not one of the professors that knew his children very well not many of them came for guidance. The ministry did not allow many difficult spells to be taught in his classroom but there were some students that he favored over others and he wasn't afraid to renounce that.

"Gellert Grindelwald is not a criminal he's one of the most powerful Wizards in history, how could you not see that the Ministry Of Magic is just trying to blind you of his real potential!" The class was practically split up by gryffindor's on one side and slytherins on the other this was one of Dumbledore's most problematic classes because of the topics they studided. These students were fifth years and were very opinionated sometimes it was hard for Dumbledore to stop the conversation before curses were thrown.

Albus dismissed his class not wanting the argument to expand. He had to create lesson plan copies for Grindelwald, Albus just never wrote them down he knew what he wanted to teach it was usually something new every day. That's how Albus got his students to like his class more, unlike their other studies his didn't drone on for hours usually someone would speak about the ministry. Albus frequently asked the students how they would resolve Ministry level conflict, he knew it was a touchy subject for rival houses. But it made the lesson more interesting for Albus.

Large amount of noise came from outside of Albus's classroom, it was a pretty busy corridor so he wasn't worried about it. A knock sounded on his classroom door.

"Is that you Minerva? I know you wanted to borrow my owl, it is currently residing in the owlery after tearing up my essays." Dumbledore stated without looking up, McGonagall frequently spent time in his classroom to get away from students. She was one of the only teachers that didn't have her own dormitory or office.

"Albus Dumbledore correct? Gellert Grindelwald is now under your supervision from the order of the Ministry." The same guard Albus saw in the Ministry was now stiffly standing in the door way with extra guards behind.
The man had complete control over Grindelwald as he was in a total body binding spell. The guard waved his wand in the direction of where he wanted floating Gellert Grindelwald to appear. Another less intimidating guard came behind and undid the binding spell.

Albus was now able to see Grindelwald move, this was real.
There were roughly the same height, Grindelwald possibly being an inch taller. Is staying the same the same stone cold expression was laid upon Grindelwad 's face, but as Albus moved down his face there was a permanent smirk on his lips. Gellert didn't know how much Albus wanted to smack that stupid smirk off his face.

As soon as Grindelwald tried to speak Albus walked out of the room, he could not give him the satisfaction of seeing Albus's face.
Grindelwald was now left standing in the middle of the classroom all alone, the old him would snoop around Albus's classroom looking for evidence to antagonize him. But he couldn't bring himself to do it instead he was completely confused this is not how he saw this interaction going.

Grindelwald left the room to go look for Albus.

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