Running In Quicksand

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Albus's favorite place was the owlery, the majority of the students didn't own owls and used other methods like the fireplaces. Students did not visit the owlery after hours, one of the main reasons Albus gave his students an extra long piece of parchment to write tonight so he could be alone. It was hard for Albus to have his one happy place taken away from him, he grew up at Hogwarts how could his one happy place be turned into a prison? The school had turned into an inescapable box, comparable to a mime creating an invisible box and disappearing into it. Albus tried not to think of all the traditions and values that Hogwarts represented and how many are being destroyed because of Grindelwald residing in Hogwarts. The school was very recently one of the safest places in the world, but now houses a criminal among many pure children.

       Albus had always admired the stars he had once wished to be named after one. The stars engulfed all of his senses leaving him frail and unarmed.
       "You've never been good at hiding, even after all these years." Grindelwald sighed. This time he spoke the sparkle from his eye was missing, the persuasiveness was less. This conversation felt really like you could go out and grab it. But the thick smog of unspoken words wavered between them.

       "Yes, you would have thought I'd improved after the numerous chances you've given me to hide from you." Albus took a while to respond in utter disbelief that he was talking to Grindelwald again.

       There was a comfortable six feet in between the pair making sure not to push the other too much. Neither of them wanted to start something but each wanted to push the other to the edge just until the brink of breaking to see how far the other would go.

       "Hiding isn't your problem it's running you run marathons away from me, but it's like you're sprinting in place. You just can't catch a break, can you? I just keep getting opportunities to come back to you. If only they knew what we used to be, the people we conquered the places we went." Grindelwald spoke like he was holding back a laugh. Obviously, his speech was pre thought out probably up the stairs probably in the ministry rotting away his cell but yet it has still come to light.

       "This shall be the finale then no more running no more hiding no more Gellert Grindelwald because the people will forget about you. They will think of you as a child like one of the many baby wizards just learning how to use their first wand. Is that what you want Grindelwald is that what you desire because from my limited memory, you wanted to touch everyone's thoughts and hearts with your charm. My one piece of advice to you is to really dig deep and think of your final words because that's what matters. Not you speaking to me because this is the most sincere conversation we're going to have ever because I'm not talking to you again and that's final."

       "And I thought the letters would work on you." Smiled Grindelwald was visibly pleased.

       "No, you presented them like national treasures guilt tripping me into feeling bad for you, and taking responsibility for your actions." Albus's face got very red, and Grindelwald picked up on this.

       "Aren't you easy Albus?" The way he still said Dumbledore's name was like ringing a bell. It was said without malice exactly copying the way he said his name years prior with lust on the tip of his tongue.

       Albus took a long hard look at Gellert and walked by him thrusting his shoulder parallel into the other boy's arm.

       "Yeah go and run away again! Some things never change Albus." Grindelwald screamed.

Thank you guys so much for the views, I didn't think people would read it. People have even bookmarked it ❤️

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