The Morning After (Not Pill)

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Sarah's POV


Was that a dream, was that a nightmare? Did I do that? I begin to question myself in my head. I raise up and glance over to Lily, who is sound asleep with her left hand tucked close into her body, as if to protect her ring. "I did, yes. I did" I say out loud. I grab my glasses off of the night stand and stare into space. It's not that I'm not happy, no, don't get me wrong. I'm shocked, thoroughly shocked. I, Sarah Paulson, proposed to my darlin'.Eeeek, I can't help but crack a smile. It is now 8:43 in the morning. I think it's time to have a little fun. I turn around to Lil and begin to tickle her while giving her pecking kisses. She cannot stand being tickled.
"Stop, Sar, stop it." Lily tells me trying to shoo my hands away from her side. "I want to kiss my finacée! I want to let her know how much she means to me."
"Yes baby, and you can do that without tickling me." Lily says still very groggy. "No, it's more fun this way!"
"Ok, I'm getting up, good bye Paulson." Lily says throwing the white comforter off of her body.
"Good morning, good morning. What's the problem? Why don't you like me?" I say in my stupid, goofy voice as Lily leaves our bedroom.
"You're just the cutest dork ever." I hear Lily say down the hall. I guess I better get up and start the first day of being engaged to the love of my life.

"Ah, yes." I say while skipping down the stairs.
"Ah yes what?" Lily asks from across the kitchen island while making her morning coffee.
"I don't know, I'm just really happy right now."
"Oh really, and why would that be Ms. Paulson?" Lily asks pushing her glasses up on her nose.
"I don't know, I think I proposed to somebody last night and they said yes..." I say with my signature smirk on my face while biting my lip.
"Mhmm, and who would that be?" Lily asks trying to be a smartass with me. "Cherry Jones."
"You're a real asshole." Lily says flashing the middle finger to me.
"I'm joking baby, come here." I tell her putting my arms out to hug her. She of course falls right into my arms like she always does and I give her temple a kiss.
"I love how you fit perfectly in my arms, it makes me so happy."
"Me too Sar. I love you so much."
"I love you too, so so much. It's amazing what the morning after an engagement feels like."
"Our engagement." She says smiling at me.
"Yes cutie, our engagement."
"Should we keep this a secret or what?" "I don't care, that panel is in a few days, people will know then, why not just do it now and get it over with?" I tell her. "Instagram picture alright?" Lily says trying to be cool.
"You're trying to be cool. I can sense it." I say while grabbing a cup of coffee for myself.
"Because I am cool..."I laugh at her and sit down at the island with her.Lily grabs her coffee cup with her left hand and takes some sorta of selfie with it, I'm not quite sure what that was and then puts the cup down.
"Morning Coffee with a new addition." Lily says out loud.
"That makes it sound like you're pregnant...And you're not, that's weird Lil."
"How do you know I'm not pregnant?" "What kind of question is that? I know you're not pregnant."
"I forgot to tell you, the other day, Zach and I had a moment in the bathroom at lunch..."
"I think the happiness of the engagement made you a little delusional."
"I'm so happy Sarah." Lily says crashing her lips into mine I'm caught by surprise, so I don't kiss back immediately, but once I do notice, I'm right with Lily. Feeling her tongue against mine, fighting for dominance is one of the greatest feeling in the world for me.
"Hey, post your picture." I say smiling against her soft pink lips.
"OK, well clearly I need a new caption according to my finacée."
"You do..."
"Ok, how about 'They say diamonds are a girl's best friend, they're wrong because she's my best friend.' Hmm?" "Don't make me cry this early in the morning Lil."
"Awh, I didn't mean it like that..."
"I'm posting it anyway!" I hear Lil shout from the sofa. I run to get my phone and I'm the first one to like it. "Some whore just liked my picture, her username is @abigailwarren74." Lily tells me from the sofa.
"Oh yeah, she's a real bitch!" I mock. Then giggling is all that is heard throughout the entire house.

"I guess I should post a picture on Abby Warren." I say sarcastically.
"Ok, I will shoot your caption suggestion down, just letting you know."
"Harsh." I tell her grabbing my phone out of my sweatpants pocket.
Lily comes to sit next to me on the couch and wraps her arm around me. I snuggle close to her as she does.
"Take a selfie with me." I say trying to sound like an obnoxious 12 year old. "Ok." Lily says.
We do and I look at it to make sure I don't look like death. Sadly, I do, but Lily looks like a goddess, so I'm going to post it.
"The Morning After (Not Pill)." I say out loud to Lily.
"No, delete it Cherry!"
"Can you shut the fuck up?" I ask laughing.
"No, I needed revenge on that Cherry comment. There ok, you can post that, add the cute little ring emoji to it."
"Ok, good ideaaa."

"I just got off of the phone with our good friend Mr. Quinto." Lily informs me coming into the kitchen.
"Oh and how is my favorite homo? Can I say that.. homo?"
"He's fabulous. He did mention something about if I liked my ring or not. And then it dawned on me, that he was your 'ring man', get it? Wing man, ring man? During this whole thing and that's why you were constantly with him!"
"And so was Emma and Peet."
"Sarah, good god, it's a ring for Christ sake. Did you really need that many people?"
"Hey, I don't know anything about this stuff, I'm relying on you for wedding planning."
"I worry... I do."
"What if we have a kid? I'll be really screwed then!" I say, absentmindedly. "You want kids?" Lily asks her deep blue eyes cutting right through my dark brown ones.
"I've thought about it..."
"With me?"
"Of course, who else?"
"I don't know, I'd love kids one day with the love of my wife, wait I mean life." Lily says stuttering.
"Ok, don't be so cute. Stop that."
"Did Zach spill everything about the ring and shopping for it?" Lily looks Sarah in the eyes and just smiles at her finacée.
"Did he?"
"No, he didn't. He just told me it looked lovely on my hand and he hoped that I enjoyed it. Why?"
"Just wondering if I can trust him with important stuff without him spilling everything." I tell Lily with a small smile on my face.

With us both laughing, we enjoy the evening together. I cannot believe the panel is so soon. I am ecstatic about the whole situation, you know, Lily and I, me and Lily. Woah, I think to myself, that sounds perfect. Lily, on the other hand, well.. we'll just have to see what her side of the story is.

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