It Doesn't Work That Way Paulson

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Sarah's POV

I hear Lily come down the staircase with her keys jingling against her phone. I turn my head from where I'm sitting and smile in her direction.

"Babe, I think I have a free lunch today, meaning I don't have a working lunch. Do you want to meet me at that cute cafe by the set for lunch?"
"Yes... I would love to." I respond a little distracted as I'm typing some work things up on my computer at the kitchen island.
"Hmm?" I ask turning toward her this time.
"Did you hear what I said?"
"Yes, my lunch today is from 12-2." "You get a long lunch... Jesus."
"We work from 9-12."
"Boo hoo." I say sipping my coffee.

Lily then proceeds to ask me what I am doing for the day and I respond with that I'm working a bit from home and then doing house chores that are long overdue, per usual.

Kissing my forehead as she grabs her travel mug full to the brim with coffee, she hurries out the door. I smile when I see her phone sitting on the counter seeing how long it will take her to realize she forgot it.

"Shit!" Lily mumbles coming back in. "Forgot your phone babe?"
"Yup. Ok, bye!"

As I'm fluffing the comforter on our king-sized bed in our LA sun filled bedroom, I can't help but think Lily and I should get a dog. Since I have no real project I'm working on right now, only conversation about some things, I'm lonely here. I can only see Zach and Amanda so much without driving them insane. "How hard could a dog be? We should get a dog." I say out loud to myself as I place the last decorative throw pillow on our bed. Next, I have our laundry to do, mostly Lily's, I've honestly just being wearing leggings and striped shirts lately since I have no place real to be.

As the day goes on, I keep doing house chores that I just haven't had time to do since I was worrying so much about the engagement. It's so wonderful to have a perfectly clean house again. I love it so much, nothing out of it's place anywhere. I also decide this would be a good time to go grocery shopping since the house is clean, why not get groceries? I really do like grocery shopping, it makes me feel good and it gives me some organized thing to do that isn't work related.

Mid way through walking down an aisle in Whole Foods, I see Lily's favorite tea.
"Wait a minute", I shout.
"Lily." I rummage through my purse searching for my phone. It lights up and reads '2:13' amongst three calls from Lil and a voicemail. Did I have my phone on silent the whole time? I hesitate to listen to her voicemail, knowing she's probably absolutely mad at me. I raise the phone up to my ear and hear what Lily left for me.

"Hey, Sar, it's me and it's 12:30. I don't know where you are, but I hope you're driving and you're on your way to meet me. I Also really hope you didn't forget these plans. Ok, Love you. Call me when you gets this."

"Shit." I sigh dropping my head into my hands. "
I look at my phone and then realize there are some texts from her I didn't see at first.

Lily: 'Sar, it's one... where are you? I'm at the cafe.'Lily: 'Babe, where are you? You're making me nervous it's 1:30...'Lily: 'Ok, Sarah it's 1:50. I have to get back to set. I'm leaving the cafe. See you tonight when I get home.'

"Oh god." I breathe out heavily.

If there is one thing I know about Lily is she doesn't ask for much and when she does it's serious and she means business. I feel like a jerk, I let myself get lost in house work all because I felt the need to do it because I had no time before I proposed to her.

I finish my grocery shopping all tense and endure a half hour car ride home feeling very uneasy. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Come to think of it, the last time I felt this way was when I used to argue with Cherry. Oh please don't tell me that's where Lily and I are heading. 'No Sarah, it's not.' I have to tell myself as I pull into our driveway. It's now almost 4:00. I need to rush in, unload the groceries and throw something together so that Lily thinks I was planning a surprise. Should I call Zach and ask if he can pick flowers up for her since I have about an hour and a half before Lily walks through that door? No, better not push it.

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