Terra and the Megalodonic

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The megalodonic fish bites down

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The megalodonic fish bites down. Attempts with all its weighty, jaw carving might to crush Judith as if she's a mere tender graveyard morsel. Feels the titan's long, sallow, arrowhead razor teeth against her skinny arm. Not in the way the rough ripping bone purposely intends. Judith's skin is sterner than the giant's main weapon against her. Teeth won't cut her arm off or even leave much of a mark. To Judith, the triangular guillotines smashing upon her body are merely a dull, uncomfortable pressure.

The dinosaur's certainly trying to eat her. Ceiling and floor crushing. Pressuring her toward fish flavour bowels. Pisses Judith off. Thoughts wander into the reasonable yet psychotic realm of murdering the thing that holds no pretence about murdering her. Furious now that her underwater fantasy has been ferociously interrupted.

"Stop trying to eat my mermaid ass you stupid motherfucker! I know what you are! I can smell the tasty treats of your thinker and feeler! You think you're chewing on me? What are you gonna do when I'm chewing on you?!"

Bubbles scream from Judith's mouth with the problem of water words attached to her vocal cords. Inaudible to the external world. Yells at herself while being swallowed further into the giant revenant by the extreme pressure of its eating orifice. The graveyard girl is crushed down by the giant revenant's muscular crunching face again and again. Still manages rage instead of fear. Makes her who she thinks she knows in moments like this.

Judith's green eyes become wicked. Screams again at the beast. Screams at herself in the language of underwater words. What does the shark care? Even the interpretation that the shark might care or not care is a stretch of the human imagination. Yet Judith continues whistling vulgarities at the monster as if it's listening.

"You spit me out right now or I'll kill you! I'll do it! Stop making me hate you!"

Speaking is a release of communication. An attempt to make others understand but at the same time, perhaps unknowingly, to understand one's self. Judith's an expert in communicating with herself. Also an expert as the external person listening to herself. Speaks harshly to the massive horror, not so it understands her, but so she can understand herself within her perception of the ancient beast. An abstraction placed upon the megalodonic, but it has nothing to do with the megalodonic. An ultimatum as well. Judith can claim to herself that she's tried to talk sense. In the end, only talking to a ghost of herself. Listening to a ghost of herself.

The giant revenant shark compresses the graveyard girl as if she'll eventually become macerated. Judith has other intentions upon the megalodonic existence. She's had enough. Sniffs fishy water. Prepares for raging carnage.

It's an amazing feature of being Judith. She can smell the brain and the heart, even through the unrelenting action of crushing pressure in the landscape of an enormous, horrific mouth.

Judith situates herself in a crouching position. Presses down with her legs and feet upon the jaw of the beast. With her shoulders and neck, pushes up into the top of the megalodonic mouth. Stretches. Pressure gives way to a cartilage crackle sound. Presses up with her powerful arms above her head. Enormous mouth breaks. The megalodonic thrashes its body insanely. Tries desperately to spit Judith out. But Judith isn't finished and won't be let go. That time's been fed. Won't be swallowed, either.

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