Judith and Jane

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She's lived entire lifetimes digesting the morsels of visions

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She's lived entire lifetimes digesting the morsels of visions. Tasty treat after tasty treat. And now...

Judith stands in a final place after defeating her shadow self in a previous room. Survived death within the labyrinth of herself. Slaughtered the devil on her shoulder.

The final room is minuscule. A closet, really. Cluttering electronics. Wires. Blinking lights. Very little room to manoeuvre. A certain button on a console catches her eyes. Her thoughts. But a man is in this particular room behind her. Holds a gun to her back. Swears at her with an insanity of vulgar desperation. She can't see who he is. Can only hear him. Was hiding behind the closet door.

"I'm going to kill you! You deserve to die!"

The graveyard girl's drawn to the certain button. She needs to press it, like she's no will of her own. Reaches a finger for it. Doesn't know what it'll do. Feels compelled to touch its round, green light surface. Collar bone bursts all over the console. Stops. Staggers. Feels a blackout pain cripple her whole body. Manages to press the green button as she falls.

The sound of thunder deafens her ears. Over and over. Maybe she's deaf because she's dead.

Judith realizes she's been shot to death at point blank.

Vignette closes around her vision. Darkness. Darkness becomes a silhouette. Becomes more. A bleary figure stands in front of a white light. All the pain vanishes. Witnesses a woman whom she knows is dead but whom she doesn't recognize. Judith reaches for this apparition's hand. Hallucination touches phantasm. All of existence becomes tenebrosity except for this one person saying how proud she is of Judith.

The graveyard girl shrugs.

"You're proud that I just died? Really? Motherfucker."

The vision passes. The moment dies. She opens her underwater eyes. Wipes the blood from her underwater lips. Farts bubbles.

The revenant visions have treated her to the madness of many dystopian civilizations. This last one leaves her sullen.

In the vision, she was in love with a man who ended up becoming a different person. Like a man reverting to being a boy. He was so strong and amazing and then over time, anxious and petty. She still loved him, though. She was hoping he would grow up again and snap out of the uncertainty within himself. He was the only person that felt like family to her. But then she died. Never got to see him become a man again. A man...a face drawn in the sand. Washed away by the tide. Maybe whoever Judith was in this vision didn't know that a man isn't just a rock to lean on or a stone to throw around or a sandy beach to draw faces in. Or maybe she understood that all words are metaphors. But he did fuck up. Badly. He was irresponsible. Got someone dear to her killed. It doesn't matter, though. Whoever she was, she died and that was that. Judith left that place disappointed. Wonders why she entered that death room at all. A life that really meant nothing.

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