Chigurh Park

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"You'll be stepping over my dead body, sis

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"You'll be stepping over my dead body, sis."

Judith felt the moment write a eulogy upon her countenance. Final words. Here lies Judith. Shot by Terra and her enormous .357 magnum. Felt somewhat mocked by the weapon until Terra cocked the hammer. Aimed it between the graveyard girl's eyes. Seriousness glared.

"Terra, no!"

Alice, with her soft soled creek avoiding bare feet silently stood behind her blonde, black attired daughter. Placed a hand on her shoulder. Alice wore a grey tent dress that had dark grey embroidered vertical swords pointing upward until the tips touched her waist. She was as petite and as pale as her ferocious daughter who was prepared to shoot Judith in the face.

"You're not killing her. She didn't say anything about the bone saw man. How do we really know who Michael is besides someone who's protective of Judith? We don't know that her Michael is the one you know."

Judith realized in an instant that Alice knew more about the simulations than Terra had thought her to know. This version of her mother wasn't a complacent white washing monster. She had something that Judith admired, a tone of authentic curiosity mixed with authority. Courage in the advent of a true conflict. This woman was definitely not the mother who she swung a Bob blood covered axe into.

"The guy fucking tortured me!"

"Yeah, Bob. Michael only did it because I was good with it. He knew what the Bob Coal in my world did to me. I was in shock just seeing you. He woulda done what I woulda said. The father that I knew destroyed me most nights and that's why Michael went at you, because he's witnessed what's left of me when I remember those horrible days. He can't abide it. It breaks his heart to see me like that and I can't help it."

Bob sat silent after Judith's retort. Alice's green grey eyes were sad angels watching the sounds of demons in the wasteland of Judith's words.

Terra didn't react to the language. Her focus was like a mountain cliff wall watching trees trying to grow upon the looming heights where one false move would render a fell traveller down to a death scene of ravens cackling from miles above at broken wingless.

Alice stepped in between the two sisters. Placed her hand on the .357 magnum. Lowered it until Terra uncocked the black boom tool and put it down her pants, half sticking out by her navel. This bad ass creature crossed her arms with an impatient body gesture. Stared a bitter flavour at her mother and new sister.

"The bone saw man is a fucking psychopath. Those of us that've been captured have been found jawless and still breathing. He makes sure of it. He always tortures his prisoners by keeping them conscious while sawing. If your Michael is that guy, he needs to die and the sooner the better."

"Not fucking gonna happen, my girl. This is what I'm gonna do. You just witness my back side walk out this conurbation and look how it never comes back. I'm convinced enough that this father figure isn't a harm in any way to the two powerful women in this house. But you can't have my man. He's not the bone saw man. He's at the very depths of my heart and I will not allow the chase you mean to conjure with your interpretation of someone you've never met."

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