• Chapter 7 • Archers •

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Sharing appartment with a mundane that could pontentially turn into a warewolf and a grumpy Shadowhunter.
A joke for everyone, the reality for Magnus.
His bright cat eyes focused on New York's city, even at night, avoiding the hustle and bustle wasn't an option. He craved for wandering around the crowded roads, discover every change the city had been through.
But again, the reflection of Alec in the window, dragged him to reality.

-Are you making sure the wall's not gonna fall down? -Magnus smirked, holding a glass of obviously not water. -Sit down, not gonna bite you unless you ask. -His ringed fingers played with the rim of the glass, when he turned, the Shadowhunter was still leaning against the wall, next to Luke's room.

-I'm doing my job. -That answer made Magnus understand how annoyed he was. But then, he always seemed to be.

-Your job is to hunt demons, as far as I am concerned.

The warlock carelessly walked around the room, his steps the only thing to be heard.

-And help Downwolders. -He didn't even look at Magnus, he just crossed his arms, as a barrier to protect himself.

The faint light from the lamps, from the outside lights, iluminated his face, his troubled eyes. Angel-blooded guys were always shamelessly attractive. Alec reminded Magnus of the moon, mysterious, but still splendorous, capable of shining and cautivating even more than the sun.

-If Lucian turns, he won't need an arrow. He will need someone who cares enough and protect him from his own demons.

Experience taught Magnus how hard was that reality, how many Downwolders were left alone with their most dangerous enemies.


-Don't call me that. -He answed instantly, his whole body stiff. He hated being called by his whole name and an eerie sensation came to him when the warlock said it.

Magnus, ignoring it, approached the archer boy, who didn't flinch, yet, his eyes would remain away from the others.
They were close enough for Magnus to appreciate better that boy, to feel how troubled he was.

-Have in mind, we all need someone. Downwolder or not. No one is strong enough to bear solitude.

His cat eyes softened, those words came out gently, as if he meant to calm that rage, as if the archer was a wild beast.
Of course Magnus wasn't afraid of what he thought, of what he could do or say.
A piece of advice from a wise warlock wasn't gonna harm the boy. Maybe make him think about it, but that was the objective.

After that, Magnus stared the shadowhunter for a few seconds and entered the room Luke was in. Alec watched him carefully, his hand on his weapon's belt. He won't let his judgement be clouded by a bunch of words, which he had to admit, were still on his mind.

-Magnus... -Luke reincorporated slowly as soon as noticed Magnus there. He turned on the lights, as if that would help to make sure Magnus was real, he thought he had been dreaming last night. -Long time no see.

-Seventeen years, exactly. Time flies, your little fledgeling is now a grown girl and taking really bad decisions. That blondie boyfriend of hers? You should have taught her better.

Luke chuckled, still in pain, exhausted, but glad Magnus was there, he appreciated him. The warlock smirked, left the glass on a shelve and came closer.
Again, Luke's tired eyes, little wrinkles starting to decore his face, remembered the warlock how fragile mundanes were, how unrespectfully time treated them.

-Thank you for helping me, again.

-I normally let people die slowly. I guess I was feeling generous.

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