001 | the cookie sampler

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"Are you paying attention?"

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"Are you paying attention?"

Jimin jolts back into a reality, pulled from whatever fantasy life he'd just been daydreaming about. Maybe he was a bartender in this one, or a florist, or his personal favorite, a dancer trained classically at the finest school in Paris-

"Jimin?" the voice calls again. "Are you with me?"

It's Yoongi, standing there in front of the mirror, modeling his suit. The vampire regards his own image stiffly before adjusting his cuffs. His face is pale, almost the color of milk, and such bright, stunning blue eyes, under a curtain of white-blond locks. There's no question that Min Yoongi, CEO of an enormously successful music technology company, is the most beautiful person on the earth.

"I'm here," Jimin finally mutters, coming up to the glass, inspecting his clothes, which is to be the outfit on his wedding day. "What is it?"

Yoongi turns to him, exposing him to the power of a full vampire's penetrating gaze.

"You seem distracted. You know we can't have that. One month from now, everyone will be watching us. We can't have any mistakes. Do you remember your vows?"

Yoongi is going to be his husband, and Jimin can't even remember his vows.

"I'm working on it," Jimin sighs, turning away, burning under the scrutiny of the other. "We have a month. That's plenty of time."

"That's dangerous thinking-" Yoongi scolds.

Thankfully the tailor comes back in, a warm smile on his face. "How's the fit? Does anything need to be changed? Is it too tight?"

Jimin's suit is tight all over. Or perhaps it's just the stifling atmosphere.

"My sleeves need to be lengthened two centimeters, Hoseok," Yoongi says. "Otherwise, it's fine."

"Of course, Your Highness," Hoseok says, making a note of it on his little writing pad. "Mr. Park, how about you?"

Jimin moves around in the garment, finding no real fault with it. "I don't know. What do you think? Does it look okay?"

Hoseok's cheerful and upbeat, making an exemplary tailor. He has a discerning eye for fit as well. A half-vampire, just like Jimin, gives him a sense of style and time.

"Let me see." The tailor runs a hand through his auburn locks, before inspecting Jimin closer, fingers sweeping along the younger's arm.

And suddenly, Yoongi's between them. He's moved in the time of an eyeblink, startling Hoseok, sending the tailor sprawling back. Jimin, however, is used to it by now. He's known Yoongi his whole life, and the vampire's movements are like the shadows cast by a full moon. They don't scare Jimin though.

"I'll do it," the full-blooded vampire says, his fingers skimming along the seam of Jimin's inner arm.

Jimin bristles from the contact, unprepared for the jolt of electricity that runs through his body. Yoongi doesn't usually touch him, almost as if he makes a conscious effort not to do so.

✓ elysian | yoongi x jimin x jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now