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"He's just a friend

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"He's just a friend."

Jimin stands in front of the human, heart drumming. He knows it's futile. If Yoongi really wanted to kill Jungkook right now, there's nothing the half-immortal could do to stop him. Yoongi's faster and stronger. His heartbeat probably wouldn't even spike.

"I won't say it again," Yoongi says, shadows over his face.

Jungkook brushes past Jimin, pointing his finger at the royal. "Fine. You think I'm scared of you! Well, I'm not. And I don't appreciate you insinuating that I'm some homewrecker." The boy stomps towards the cafe. "Just wait right here. I need to close the shop, and then we'll have a nice long chat, Mr. Yoongi," he shouts over his shoulder.

Jungkook rushes into the store, shutting the lights off, starting from the back.

"He's a child," Jimin says, standing in the cold before sliding into the front seat. Maybe he can convince Yoongi to drive off before Jungkook returns. "Let's just go. He's not worth your time."

Yoongi doesn't look at him, probably still processing the words that the human said. The King's never been disrespected before.

"I-If you hurt him," Jimin says, wishing his voice was stronger, more convincing. "I'll never forgive you. I-I won't ever talk to you again."

What would that matter? It's not like Yoongi enjoys talking to him at all.

"I won't hurt him," the full vampire says, still staring out into the dark street. "It would be unbecoming of me to harm someone so fragile."

"I won't see him again," Jimin pleads. "If you drive away right now, I promise I won't come back here."

Yoongi considers this, even though he doesn't say anything, Jimin can tell. It's just the smallest of flickers.The King stares down at the gear shift but it's already too late. Jungkook has pulled down the storefront grill, locking the chain back up in the box.

He has a bookbag on, something black and big and heavy. God, he's a child, still a student, just some poor college kid. He shouldn't be involved in any of this. He ducks into the back seat, setting his bag next to him.

"Okay, I'm in. Let's go, big man. Let's talk. I ain't afraid of you," Jungkook spouts.

He has no idea how he appears. He might as well be an angry, cuddly bunny, hopping around in the back seat.

Yoongi scoffs, rolling his eyes, his mouth drawn upward. For the full-blood, it's a tremendous expression. He's annoyed, alert, and amused all in the same breath. Yoongi pulls off the curb with a screech, gunning it down the street.

"Put on your seatbelt," Yoongi answers.

Jungkook seems taken aback by the vampire's lack of emotion. For Jimin, it's just the opposite.

✓ elysian | yoongi x jimin x jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now