009 | just dance

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"It's tradition," Jungkook says

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"It's tradition," Jungkook says. "You can't see each other before the wedding."

"What do you know about vampire wedding tradition?" Jimin laughs.

"Stop moving!" Taehyung hisses. "I can't work like this."

The other half-blood is currently trying to put some blush on Jimin's cheeks. It's proving to be more difficult than he first thought.

"I know some things," Jungkook says. "Like how it'll be more genuine if you see each other for the first time at the altar."

"I've seen him in that suit like ten times," Jimin says. "We got our fittings done together."

Jungkook pouts, folding his arms. "You won't regret it. Just trust me!"

"Can you-" Hoseok is at his wit's end. "Please stop moving too?" He's trying to fit Jungkook into his suit, making alterations within hours to the ceremony. He's stressed.

"S-Sorry," Jungkook sighs. "We got time. The sun hasn't even set yet."

Jimin's heart flutters. It's soon. He hasn't seen Yoongi all day because Jungkook insisted. He imagines the full-blood to be quite lonely right now.

Who's making him feel special today? Who's putting on his makeup for him? Jimin sighs. As if that gorgeous man even needs makeup.

"I just think he might be missing us a little," Jimin adds. "Vampire traditions really don't bar the couple from seeing each other— it's more like they usually don't want to."

Taehyung clicks his teeth, done with Jimin's blush "True. See, Jungkookie, you didn't know that, did you?"

"I did my research," Jungkook insists. "I-I looked it up on the website."

Hoseok smirks, helping Jungkook out of his blazer so he can make the changes. "Oh, so you're an expert in vampire weddings now? Please do tell us all you know!"

Jungkook sticks his chest out indignantly. "I-I know about the suits. How Jimin has to wear silver and Yoongi has to wear blue because of their royal status."

Oh. that's impressive. Information like that isn't just readily available. Jimin's royalty is by election, but Yoongi's royalty is due to his blood, because of the King's poison that runs through his veins.

"What else do you know?" Taehyung's interested now, pausing in his work on Jimin's lips.

Jungkook's cheeks go pink, but he doesn't look like a man that's going to back down from a challenge. "I know about the Claiming."

Everyone reacts differently to it. Hoseok simply stops sewing in the other room, turning his head, eyes wide. Taehyung drops his lip pencil, and then when he tries to pick it up, he drops it again.

Jimin's heart is going wild, knocking against his ribs.

"I-It's not called that anymore," Jimin says weakly.

✓ elysian | yoongi x jimin x jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now