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Weddings are stressful. Vampire weddings are double, perhaps even triply so. That's usually the case, at least, because most immortal vows are arranged, where the immortals hate each other and are forced to marry.

Jimin's seen it many times. Yoongi's parents were such a pair, and his mother too, with her first husband before she divorced and met Jimin's human father. This is why vampire weddings equate more to human funerals then they do to actual celebrations.

Except for this one.

There's a marked difference in the atmosphere, vampire safe sunlight streaming through the filtered windows and white, gossamer streams on the ceiling. It's the wedding rehearsal, a practice run for the wedding party so that no one messes up or trips. The real deal will be going down tomorrow night.

There are only three people in their wedding party, a witness for each side: Taehyung for Yoongi, Hoseok for Jimin, and Namjoon who's to officiate. They're sitting in a row, hands on their laps, looking extremely nervous as the couple walks in.

But then they see the actual couple, Yoongi and Jimin, smiling at each other, holding hands.

They're happy. They're laughing.

Also, there's another person, holding Yoongi's hand on the other end. A human.

"Hey, guys," Jimin laughs. "Sorry, we got a bit distracted upstairs. We're ready to go now."

The buttons on Jimin's shirt don't line up correctly.

"I-um-" Hoseok's nervous. "I left your suits upstairs in the suite. I hope they're to your expectations, Your Highnesses."

Yoongi reaches out, clapping Hoseok on the shoulder. The other visibly jumps, but he doesn't flinch away. "You did fine work there. We don't know what we'd done without you."

Hoseok flushes, blinking a few times before he smiles sheepishly. "Oh! Thank you. I'm—" He's at such a loss for words. 'If you need anything else, I'm here for you."

"Joon, Hoseok," Jimin calls them. "This is Jungkook. He's very important to us, so he'll be sitting with you guys in the front."

Namjoon extends a hand. He's the only other pureblood here besides Yoongi. His eyes and hair are shades of midnight

"It's nice to meet you."

Jimin expects Jungkook to reciprocate, but the boy doesn't. He flushes, eyes round, and then he steps back and hides behind Yoongi's sleeve. It's quite a feat because Jungkook is several inches taller than Yoongi and broader too.

"Umm," Namjoon's a bit confused, scratching his chin. "Well—"

Yoongi shakes Namjoon's hand on Jungkook's behalf. "He's feeling shy today."

✓ elysian | yoongi x jimin x jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now