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When Jimin initially thought about moving into Yoongi's place, he'd seen it as a loss of freedom, condemnation into a life of loneliness

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When Jimin initially thought about moving into Yoongi's place, he'd seen it as a loss of freedom, condemnation into a life of loneliness. The physical moving had also been upsetting too. He'd expected Yoongi to keep all his things exactly as they were, and if Jimin wanted to bring any furniture, he'd have to keep it all out of sight or confined to his room.

It couldn't be further from reality.

Today is move-in day, and in anticipation, Yoongi's cleared out entire rooms for them. He's relocated a lot of stuffy old furniture into storage in favor of their more 'modern' decorum. And they're taking full advantage.

"Hyung!" Jungkook's so excited. "We're gonna have so much fun!"

There's a flat-screen sitting on top of a poorly made, low-density particle wood stand. It's the kind of furniture vampire's hate. Immortals have no interest in things that are not built to last at least a few decades.

But Yoongi likes it anyway, helping the human put his games onto the shelf alphabetically. There are wires everywhere, no logic to it. But Jungkook works with intention, pulling things out of the chaos, and setting them to order.

"You know," Yoongi hums. "My company actually helped design those speakers."

Jungkook's impressed. "Really? They're so good!"

"We put the same tech into headphones this season," Yoongi says. "They're not out yet, but I could get you a pair if you—"

Jungkook's excited, forgoing his work to rush hug the other. He cradles Yoongi's head as they both fall on the floor. "I would love that. My birthday's in two months. That can be your present, hyung."

Jimin knows that Yoongi's interest in spoiling the other doesn't have time lines. Also, a pair of headphones wouldn't be the full-bloods first choice for a birthday gift. It's not nice enough.

"There's like hundreds of them sitting in the warehouse," Yoongi says. "It's no big deal."

Jungkook's still got the older pinned to the floor. He kisses Yoongi on the forehead before letting up. "It is a big deal. Even if you gave me a soda, I'd keep the can forever."

That's really cute.

Yoongi flushes, just the slightest bit of pink on his cheeks before he goes all quiet.

"Speaking of soda," Jimin hums. "Let's order out. I don't feel like making a chef come here on our first night of living together."

Yoongi stands, giving Jungkook a hand up. "Pick whatever you want. I'll be back tonight."

Originally, Yoongi had taken an entire two months off from work in preparation for the wedding. But a disaster with a recent launch calls him back. It can only be solved by the infamous Min Yoongi.

"Take all the time you need," Jimin says absently as he tries to connect wires into their correct slots.

Yoongi tugs at Jimin's shirt sleeve, calling for his attention. Jimin's gaze flickers over.

✓ elysian | yoongi x jimin x jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now