003 | the line in the sand

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There's blood on the sheets

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There's blood on the sheets. It takes a moment for Jimin to process that it's his blood.

Why is this happening?

Yoongi's on top of him, his weight pressing the younger into the mattress. The King's biting him, fangs sunk into the skin, drinking from him. With every rapid heartbeat, more blood is pushed into Yoongi's mouth.

Then comes the pleasure, which Jimin isn't expecting. It's the King's poison coursing through his body, setting it on fire. Jimin moans brokenly, spine arching up as the feeling shoots through every nerve ending. It leaves him feeling sticky everywhere, his clothes too tight on his skin, his skin too tight on his body.

It feels like an eternity before Yoongi pulls away, though it couldn't have been more than half a minute. He licks at the two puncture marks, cleaning them off, the roughness of his tongue driving Jimin crazy. The halfbreed writhes in the sheets, sweet agony as he thrashes against his captor.

Once Yoongi's done, his mouth dripping red, he kisses Jimin again, giving the other a taste of his own blood. It shouldn't be that good, sweet as honey, floral notes buzzing on his tongue. Jimin struggles to keep up, all of him burning, his insides turning molten. Yoongi's hands snake under Jimin's shirt, sliding up his chest, setting his skin ablaze.

"H-Hyung," Jimin gasps, pushing away, hands braced against the other's shoulders.

Yoongi complies, moving a fraction back so that he can look into Jimin's silvery eyes. The full-blood is ruined, breathing heavily, scanning every inch of Jimin's face.

"W-Why?" Jimin manages. He can't seem to form a coherent thought, so many words and questions running rampant in his skull. What's happening? Why is Yoongi doing this? Jimin thought— he always thought that—

Yoongi reaches out, brushing Jimin's hair from his face so tenderly— this can't be the same man as before, can it? Where's the ice sculpture? Where's the dispassioned King and immortal that Jimin's known all his life?

"Why do you say it?" Yoongi whispers, voice thick with sorrow. His usually pristine hair is a mess, hanging over his eyes. "Why do you say it? That I don't care about you. That I have no feelings for you. You push me. You play with me—"

Why does Jimin say it? It's always been true, has it not? Yoongi's never shown an ounce of affection for him, only cold judgment.

The King's knee is shoved between his legs, keeping them spread apart. The pressure prickles up the base of his spine. It rubs against him just right, if only he could grind his hips against it-

"Hyung, you don't love—" Jimin pleads.

Yoongi stares down at him intensely.

"I love you," Yoongi whispers brokenly, cupping his face, his touch so soft. "I've always loved you. Why do you keep taunting me?"

✓ elysian | yoongi x jimin x jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now