004 | strawberry flavor

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Did Yoongi really just say those words? He's willing to invite a human into their home, just so Jimin will marry him

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Did Yoongi really just say those words? He's willing to invite a human into their home, just so Jimin will marry him. This is what the full-blood thinks he wants? He's crazy. Yoongi's gone mad.

But then... Why does it sound so appealing?

Jimin doesn't know what to say, except, "Hyung! It stopped raining."

As quickly as it came, it's gone. The sky has partially cleared. Jimin gets up, grabbing their umbrella from the ground. Poisonous sunlight is already starting to come through the clouds.

"We need to get you out of here!" Jimin huffs, pulling Yoongi's yellow hood over his head, covering him more with the umbrella.

"I'll be fine," Yoongi says. "It's just a little bit."

No sooner as he says it, a speck of sunlight hits the exposed skin on Yoongi's cheek. The vampire flinches back with a hiss, covering it with his arm. Jimin quickly navigates, positioning the umbrella so that it covers the other.

"Come on, let's go," Jimin says, arm slung around his shoulder protectively. Yoongi can't see, covering his whole face with his hood, allowing Jimin to navigate

The clouds are breaking apart fast, the light turning from dull blue to a warm yellow. That's the most dangerous hue for a vampire. Jimin plans a decisive course, almost pushing an old man to the side of the street. The half-blood ducks into the first shop he sees.

He doesn't care what trouble he's going to get into, drawing the blinds and pulling them shut.

"Hey! You can't do that!" a person yells from the back.

Jimin's readying a whole explaination, taking in the atmosphere of the store. At first, it looks like any ordinary cosmetic shop. But then, what normal cosmetic shop sells strawberry flavored lotions and edible lubricants?

No, that's not right.

There's jewelry on display, but there's no necklaces or bracelets, and the rings are entirely too big for fingers. And there are sets of leather belts that seem rather complex—

Oh fuck, it's a sex shop.

"I'm so sorry," Jimin says, and he really is. "My friend's allergic to the sun. We're vampires. We just need a place to stay, until I can call our driver to pick us up."

Jimin pauses, finally looking at the store owner. And he realizes that he didn't need to say all that.

It's a fellow half-vampire, Jimin can tell. There's something in his light, sandy brown hair, pretty ocher eyes, that gives him away.

"Oh em gee," the half-vampire shouts, jumping up and down. "You're the Park Jimin. I know you! You can do whatever you want. You're marrying the King. I'll close the s-store for you."

There's no one else there for the store owner to kick out, but Jimin's pretty sure he wouldn't hesitate if there was. The man turns the sign from open to closed, then he presses a button that lowers an additional set of shutters, casting the room in utter darkness.

✓ elysian | yoongi x jimin x jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now