03 | teasing & picture

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Ajax had been on cloud nine since he had come back from his little date.

His family side-eyed him when he giggled for the 14th time while they were eating breakfast together.

The ginger had been in a daze since morning, his cheeks would sometimes sport a light red hue and he would sigh with a soft look on his face.

They had waited for the whole day yesterday to ask him about the giggling but decided not to since they respected his privacy and didn't want to intrude or make him feel uncomfortable.

However, he continued to do so even today, naturally, they were very interested in the topic.

"Ajax," He heard the voice of his older sister call him out.


"What happened on your date with your crush?"

Ajax abruptly stood up from the chair as he spluttered to give a response.

"Nothing happened!!"

"Sus." Teucer deadpanned.

"Yeah," His siblings agreed with Teucer's words.

"Did he fuck you—"

"Mother what are you saying—"

Seeing everyone crowding around him with curious looks on their faces, he finally sat down.

Ajax could not believe that he had been coaxed into talking about his love life with his entire family, he felt embarrassed but still gathered up the courage to answer.

"He held my hand."

Blushing furiously, he hid his face behind his hands.

"Lame, I really thought you had se— I mean you kissed him!" His father changed his words when his son glared at him.

"Only held hands?" His sister mumbled in disappointment.

"How will your relationship progress at this point brother!" Tonia criticised him and Teucer nodded his head like he wasn't just a 3rd grader student and had all the experience about relationships to give him advice and judge him.

"You're saying this to me but you've never once gone on a date haven't you?"

"Ha!" They let out a loud gasp together, a look of betrayal in their eyes. 

They could not believe that Ajax would say such harsh words to them that would stab them right in their heart.

"Now now, don't tease him."

Ajax looked at his saviour — his dear mother — with hopeful eyes.

"He is like your father after all." She chuckled.

His father was the one to gasp loudly this time.

"Wife! I trusted you!"

Rolling their eyes at the display of affection between their parents, they continued to eat their breakfast.

✓ 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗬 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 ≡ tartagliaWhere stories live. Discover now