Day 2 hotel

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I woke up seeing Julia up and dressed in one of my t shirts with coffee on my bedside table and she had just gotten the coffee from the bar downstairs my mom had apparently had unlimited morning breakfast sweet on the charge too. So I scooped Julia up not knowing that the coffee was going to fly onto her. As right as that happened I tore the shirt off so it wouldn't burn Julia's skin but that had already happened I left her in the bed airy just her bra on so the coffee burn on Julia's stomach Could cool while I dashed to the ice matching to get ice. When I came back with the ice Julia was still in the same position I grabbed the bag if ice and I pressed it against her stomach Julia started to speak and said " I love you." I was still admiring how beautiful Julia is in her sexy purple hot bra but then I said " hold this please." She held the ice on her stomach while I was looking for a butting down shirt for Julia I found a baby blue shirt I simply sat behind Julia's head and I gently lifted her up and I slipped on the button down shirt but she was still holding the ice on her stomach so she didn't put her arms though my big shirt, the shirt was just converting her shoulders. I gently put my legs around hers and then I grabbed the ice and I opened the bag and grabbed the ice one bye one and I rubbed the ice on Julia's belly until it melted. on my third cube Julie grabbed my hand and said "im fine babe I think I am all better now." then she giggled, when I realized that she was in her under where because she was just wearing the fist button down like a dress. Julia went into her suitcase and hit out running spandex she is really sexy in them and she slid them over her under where so, Julia was wearing, a purple bra and opened button down shirt and spandex and I was wearing gym shorts and no shirt. Then I got a phone call from Julia's mother I put it in speaker. " Hi lovebirds I just wanted to say I hope your 1st hotel date was fun did you break the rules?"
- " no we didn't we stayed within the rules and thank you so much for this fun beach trip, and no we haven't broken any rules I am a very respectable man,"
"I know so that is why y'all are going to stay tonight."
"Oh okay thank you"
" you have tickets waiting for you on the front desk and go to the fairs is wheels and some money is there for y'all so y'all can ride rides and maybe even swim or something have fun!"
So Julia and I are so happy that we fall in top of one another and make out again except this time Julia's shirt is unbuttoned and I can see her very sexy bra and she is wearing spandex which is practically like under where so I am so happy right now I touch Julia's spandex and then I slide off her over button down shirt but not her bra the shirt was just getting in the way of us making out. and the started to laugh and then I rolled on too of her and I started to kiss her neck and then I heard Julia giggling and I kept doing it and then I did her other next she started to giggle more but then I moved to her other neck and then I kidded her on her lips again and she kissed me back and it was long and then we rolled again and no I was on bottom this time and Julia was kissing my front next and my chest and then back to my lips again and we were running our fingers through one another's hair and then we were on the ground and I was on top now and I was rubbing Julia's spandex and the back of her bra and I was kissing her neck again and then I was kissing her lips again but I was on bottom this time and then I was rubbing Julia's spandex again and I was rubbing her back she is so hot then we laid on the ground and Julia's leg was on my hip to my other hip and then I kissed her. we decided that we need to go get the tickets now so we got dressed and Julia curled her hair in the bathroom while I was taking a shower it was a little weird but she was two busy paying attention to herself in the mirror and the curling iron.when I got out if the shower I went and I changed into sweat pants and a t shirt and then Julia got in the shower but she forgot her clothes when she was done so I had to bring her clothes and they are so small she is so sexy and skinny Julia wore exercise shorts and she wore a t shirt also. WE ran downstairs to the counter person and they gave us our tickets. So it looked like we were going in a couple of roller coasters and some fairis wheels.

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