Chapter 4

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Tw: Talk of murder, drugs and drug dealing.

What Ender looks like ^

*Ender's pov*

I threw my coat onto my bed, it bounced softly as it landed on the soft material.

I ran a hand through my medium long, dirty blond hair, combing it back so my hair wasn't in my face, taking down my pony tail, and letting my hair fall onto the back of my neck.

I sigh, taking off all my face covering and putting it on my desk, as I sat down on my chair, spinning around in it till I faced my computer, staring at the dark blank screen.

God was today stressful, stupid people.

I quickly sat up and powered up my monitor, everything around me lighting up from the now bright screen.

I scooted up to my desk, and started to click onto some tabs that I had open. It was mostly Google Maps with different locations.

I clicked onto my email, seeing a bunch of different job offers, mostly drug dealing, with a few other offers people want me to do for them. I smiled, I clicked on a few, scanning the words carefully. I do have to say a lot of these are high paying. I quickly replied to a few that I was interested in, agreeing to the offers. What can I say, this is a great way to make cash.

I sighed, turning off my monitor and pushing back from my desk, standing up and making my way to the closet, quickly changing into some pj's.

I grabbed my coat that laid on my bed, taking the white powder out of the pocket.

I put the bagged substance on my desk, and just quickly put my clothes in the wash, so they were clean for tomorrow night.

I rubbed my eyes and combed my hair out of my face, I was tired as fuck, my dopamine returning to normal, after what felt like hours of having a dopamine rush, it finally crashed, leaving me tired. I just hope my dopamine levels won't get to low, I don't want to go to the doctors for that.

I collapsed onto my soft mattress, getting under the covers and wrapping myself in the soft and warmth of my blankets, falling asleep soundly.



I quickly turned off my annoying ass alarm, wrapping back in the covers, not wanting to wake up just yet, so I slowly started to go back to sleep.

But apparently I didn't dismiss my alarm, so it started yelling at me to wake up.

I groaned, getting out of bed, turning off my alarm, yawning as I stretched my arms and legs, I walked to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

For what I can say, I love my little HQ, it was pretty spacious and had everything I need in one room, besides the bathroom, that deserves it's own room, duh, but it was just a lot of convenient to have everything open like this, I even had a garage with my own motorcycle, I don't use it often but I love it.

I finished up breakfast, which was pancakes, with whipped cream, no syrup because I don't care for the sweetness, plus I didn't to clean up something sticky. (Come at me, I don't like syrup, it's to sweet and hurts my stomach)

I sat on the couch with my plate, turning on the tv, some random kids show was playing for some reason, but I quickly changed the channel to the News.

I took a bite of pancake, my eyes fixated on the tv, a smirk slowly crawled onto my face. Oh how I love to see my art on the screen, a new art, one that I knew would get peoples attention.

The body was already gone, only a white outline and blood stains where the only things there, with my prominent and vibrant signature standing out in the scene of the crime, it just made me feel more proud. To me it showed not to mess with me, that was what happened last night, someone didn't listen, so I did what I had to do.

I wonder how many people have seen my work so far? Probably not many since it wasn't to big of a murder, maybe I should make a bigger and better step, show off more of work like this, im sure that will get more peoples attention.

I mindlessly listened to the news reporter ramble some stuff, nothing real interesting in my opinion, my case already passed and something else was being said, I wasn't listening, so it was probably about the weather.

I leaned back on the couch, taking my last bite of pancake.

How can I make this an even bigger thing, something that people can't ignore? Something more then a simple murder.

I got up, walking up to the kitchen, putting my dish in the sink. I stood there for a moment, I giant smirk formed onto my lips, I deeply chuckled.

It was the perfect crime.

839 Words.

Boom chapter done!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Who knows what happens next, obviously I know since im writing but I guess find out until I update next.

I didn't proof read, so I hope it's good and it doesn't have many spelling mistakes, or that it makes sense, but eh, don't care.

But I hope you have an amazing day/night!

Love you, bye! 💕

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