Chapter 13

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Tw: None I don't think

*Tubbo's pov*

My heart raced. Ranboo only left a couple minutes ago, and he.... I don't know anymore, it's like he's gonna fucking crazy. Well more crazy then normal that's for sure.

Where am I supposed to go? Tommy's maybe? Back home to mom? It has to be one of the two, I got no other place to go... or is it. I mean, I really didn't want to bother them, but it's the only chance I got.

I continued to run quickly down roads until I got to a familiar neighborhood, one that he use to hang out quite a bit.

I stopped running to walk for a moment, out of breath for running for so long, but I wanted to get as far away from them as possible.

I scanned the houses, trying to read the house numbers in the dark was quite difficult.

I was trying to remember the outside of the house, till I saw one, exactly how I remembered it, I smiled, walking up to the house and knocking.





No answer, maybe I should try knocking louder?






I started to panicking, I couldn't go to my mothers or Tommy's not know!

I knocked harder and more franticly.




The door flew open revealing a short brunette with a baseball bat, ready to swing, my eyes widened as I covered myself.

"I-Im sorry!" I yelled tears flowing down my cheeks.

"T-Toby? I thought you were-"

"I don't want to talk about it, but please, let me come in" I begged. The short brunette thought before smiling.

"Sure, come on in big man" They offered, moving to the side and letting me in.

"Thank, thank you so much .... Aimsey" The door shut behind me.

"Yeah, yeah. Almost gave me a fucking heart attack" She said, moving over to the sofa and sitting, motioning for me to sit as well, which I complied, sitting at the other end of the sofa, with my legs up to my chest.

"Im.... sorry" I breathed out, a few tears falling down my cheeks.

"Hey it's okay" Aimsey said, moving over so he sat by me, putting a hand on my knee.

"W-where did you even go?" They asked, looking at their lap, clearly upset that I disappeared all of a sudden, or because they worried when she saw the news, I mean, we haven't talked since they graduated a few years back.

"I...... I can't tell you" I flushed at the thought... Idk why I feel this way, I shouldn't feel this way towards him, I ran away because he was going crazy... being a psycho.... and all for what.

"Why can't you tell me Toby?" They didn't sound upset or angry, maybe he's just trying to understand.

"You wouldn't understand Aimsey, it's ...   complicated" God this is hard to explained, what is their to explain? 'hey yeah, I practically fell in love with my kidnapper, who is also a crazy murderer' Yeah, like that would go down well with anyone.

"If you would just tell me, maybe I would-"

"NO AIMSEY, YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND AT ALL!!!" I shouted, before covering my mouth. "I-im so, so sorry" I didn't want to yell, but I also don't want to explain myself, Im gonna be looked as crazy!? How could I let this happen to myself.

"Tobias. you were gone, for a week and a half or more. I know you went through something but, you need to trust me" I took a deep breath, I really didn't want to, but I have to trust them.

"You promise you won't get mad at me or anything?" I questioned, hugging my knees and putting my chin on top.

"Toby, no matter what you say, I won't judge you" They said with a small smile and I sighed.

"W-well, I was uh, kidnapped... you were the only person I thought would be safe to go to, I didn't want to go to Tommy's he would turn me in same with my mother.... I didn't want to, not when I know the current condition of...him" I quickly explained, tears welling up.

"Who's him?" Aimsey asked, a raised brow as they sat more besides me.

".... 𝑬𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓" I breathed out, the name sent chills down my spin, my heart seemed to skip a beat as I said the name... god I hated it.


".... Yeah, I know" I muttered, looking away, trying to hide my red face.

"Toby... is there... more that you're not telling me?" They asked. He's on to me, their gonna be weirded out, confused, disgusted, just everything under the sun to describe this thing that I have towards my kidnapper.

"H-how did you know?" I mumbled, still not look at them.

"First off, you're not even making eye contact with me and turning away, second.... you don't sound overly scared of them... why?"

I took in a shaky breath, I didn't want to admit it to someone, I can barely comprehend it myself, so idk how im gonna say this.

"You're gonna judge me" I said into my arms.

"Toby. Just tell me, im not going to judge you in any way" Not after what I tell you.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled. Im really about to admit this.

"Aimsey.... im.... ------"

"Huh? I couldn't quite catch that"















"Im in love with my kidnapper.... 𝑬𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓"

900 Words!

Heh, Hello everyone, Im finally off my break!

Sorry for that, but yeah, but I guess it's hard to write sometimes, plus school, so I've been busy with something.

But I should be back to writing, but don't quote me on that, because it's me and im inconsistent with everything.

Anyways I hope this chapter was kinda worth it, idk I just went for it like always.

Anyways that should be all!

Sorry for spelling mistakes.

Have a good day/night!

And I will see you soon (hopefully)

Love you, bye! 💕

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