Chapter 7

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Tw: Dead body, blood, talk murder and death, knife, gun. idk if I missed something let me know.

*Third person*

Tubbo breathed heavily, tears running down his cheeks.

He just watched someone die infront of him, murdered. And he didn't do anything. Couldn't do anything. He sat there and watched a poor man die.

Ender turned around, looking Tubbo dead in the eyes, those crazy eyes, with a smile plastered on his face.

"Oh isn't this great Toby! A perfect crime!" He laughed, running a hand through his hair. But that just made Tubbo want to sob, sob and hide away, to get away from this crazy psychopath.

Toby scooted back away as he started to walk towards him, but that didn't last long when he grabbed hold of the rope, tugging back on it.

"Oh~ where are you going μικρή μέλισσα?" Ranboo cooed (Credits to who ever can guess the language Ranboo is speaking :))

'God please fucking save me!' Tubbo internally shouted at himself.

A knife rested right under Toby's chin, softly angling it upwards, so that he has to look at the dirty blonde.

"Oh come on now, look at me μικρή μέλισσα?" Ranboo asked softly, but Tubbo kept his eyes closed, he didn't even remember closing them, but now he's gonna keep them glued shut, and he softly and slowly moved his head to the side.

That just seemed to anger the taller man, they were not gonna take no for a answer.

Ender grabbed a fist full of Tubbo's brown curls, twisting his head to make the petite boy look him, cutting his chin slightly from the harsh movement, but Tubbo kept his eyes shut. Making Ranboo growl in annoyance and irritation.

"Look at me you little bitch!" He barked, which Tubbo finally opened his eyes, which Ranboo smile.

"Finally listening I see"

Tubbo just wanted to die, why was he the one chosen for this.

"We should get going, shouldn't we?" Ranboo asked, retracting the knife from the brunettes neck, standing up, checking to see if they had everything. Once they were done, they tugged on the rope, motioning Tubbo to stand, which he complied to, not really wanting to get on Ender's bad side again. He really didn't want to shot at, or get his neck slit.

"Come on now, we have to get going" Ranboo said casually ready to leave.

Tubbo got a glimpse of the dead body, blood puddled all around him, body pale, eyes and mouth open, it looked like he was stuck it time. Tears started to bubble up again in Tubbo's eyes.

He turned away, looking away from the body, he didn't want to see it, he didn't even want to experience this, but here he was.

"God, do I have to do fucking everything for you" Ranboo snarled, picking Tubbo up, which he yelped in surprise.

Ranboo just started to walk in a direction, im guessing to where ever we were before we went here.

Tubbo just wanted to go home, be with his mother or his best friend, but now he was stuck with a psycho, a person who could kill him at any moment if he wanted to.


Ranboo put the now sleeping boy on their bed.

They didn't even feel bad for what they did, yeah they were angry, but they didn't want to listen to the annoying crying of the young brunette, because god was it annoying, they wouldn't even hesitate to shoot the brunette, but Ranboo didn't.

Ender just sighed, starting to get undressed, stripping off their clothes and putting on pajama pants and a zip up sweater, but he kept it unzipped since it was quiet warm in the HQ.

Ranboo looked back to the sleeping boy on their bed, he looked almost peaceful, his back was facing Ranboo, so they couldn't see his face, but they can guess it was stained with tears.

Ranboo sat on the couch, not wanting to disturb Toby, plus it would be awkward if they slept in the same bed, counting that Ranboo was also Tubbo's kidnapper, so yeah, not doing that.

God was it stressful having this whiny brat here, can never stop crying, man did it make Ranboo irritated, almost wanting to slit his neck, watch him gasp for air as blood flowed down his wind pipe and out of him, to watch life drain out of him, that sounded appealing, but he had to keep him alive, wanting to see how people reacted to having someone kidnapped in the small town.

Enders stomach growled in hunger, so like any normal person, they got up, went to the kitchen and made a quick snack, which was a turkey sandwich.

As they were eating, they went to lock every possible exit to the HQ, not wanting Tubbo to escape at any point. Once that was finished Ranboo hid the keys, somewhere they knew Tubbo, one, couldn't find, and two can't reach. Which was pretty easy counting how short the boy was, which is kinda amusing to Ranboo, they were a whole foot taller then him. It made Ranboo chuckle to themselves thinking about it.

After they were done with their sandwich, they settled down on the couch, propping a pillow up on the arm rest, zipping up his sweater, falling asleep soundly.

Tubbo opened his eyes slowly, not hearing any movement anymore, his face flushed a deep red, of course the one time he opened his eyes was when Ranboo was walking around in a open zip up sweater, with nothing else covering his bare chest, but he quickly closed his eyes, not wanting to get caught for being awake, and so he doesn't have to look at his kidnapper, god was he hot... No, he should not think like that, that was his kidnapper, someone that can and would kill you. So that thought quickly left, quicker then it arrived.

Now it was dark and quiet, Tubbo just shifted onto his back, staring at the bland ceiling that stared back at him, he only frowned, he already missed the late night talks he and Tommy would have, even if they normally ended up with them arguing about something stupid, but he missed it nevertheless.

I guess this was his life now, stuck with a crazy psycho, that goes from insulting you, praising then insulting, it was giving Tubbo whiplash with how fast Ender's mood changed, it also scared him, if Tubbo made one wrong move, he would be dead, body would be found by police or a random civilian, then be broadcasted on the news or his body would never be found.

More tears ran down Toby's cheeks, he didn't even know he could cry more. His stomach loudly growled, but the brunette didn't move, not risking waking the killer in the room.

"Oh, when will this fucking end" Tubbo breathed out before passing out from exhaustion.

1130 Words.

Sooo.... Yeah, if you are expecting fluff, it won't be for awhile, why, idk, I want beeduo angst and shit, but don't worry fluff will be coming soon :) maybe.

But I should say this. So, Ranboo uses They/them pronouns, but since no one knows that, besides Ranboo themselves, other people, use he/him pronouns for them, so when I switch with that stuff, Tubbo uses he/him while talking about Ranboo, while Ranboo uses They/them when referring to themselves. Tubbo uses He/him pronouns, now you know, sorry if it's confusing.

Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed anyways.

Sorry for spelling mistakes, I suck at spelling some times.

Anyways, that's all, have a good night/day!

Love you, bye!💕

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