Chapter 5

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Tw: Kidnapping, dead body mentioned, drugging, knife. Idk let me know if I missed something-

*Tubbo's pov*

I sat there in shock.

A dead body.

A fucking dead body was found. Even more shocking that it was also the one and only Ender who did it.

I didn't expect for him to actually do something like this, all the small town of Snowchester knew him as a robber, a thief, and that was it, nothing showed for him to actually kill someone. It just left me there dumbfounded.

"Well that's shocking" A soft voice of Mr. TDM said, who was looking at the scene that was still on the screen of the crime, while he was mixing something together in a bowl.

I just frowned. Thoughts ran through my head. Why now? Why did I have all those thoughts in my head yesterday? Why did I have an bad feeling last night? Why is this happening now?

Ugh, this is just so frustrating.

I quickly stood up and went back to Tommy's room, getting quickly dressed, which was a green hoodie and some blue jeans.

I made my way to the front door, about to open it.

"Where you going Tubzo?" Mr. TDM asked, brow raised.

"Im just going out for a bit, that's all" I said casually with a small soft smile.

"Well ok then... It's raining out, so take an umbrella with you" He said.

"Are you sure? Im making breakfast" He continued.

"Im sure, thank you though, I'll be back in awhile" I said, grabbing an umbrella from one of the coat hangers, which was gold with black poke dots, it was an umbrella that I brought from home since im over here a lot, so I brought one here.

I did a quick wave goodbye, opened the door and left the house.

I opened the umbrella, letting the small water droplets hit the plastic covering above me, the sound was quite nice and relaxing.

I walked down the side walk, the nice scent of fresh wet grass filled my nose, I quite liked it.

It was pretty dark out, even though it was about 7:30 in the morning, it's probably gonna storm-

A giant roar of thunder was heard. Welp, that answers my question.

I just continued to walk into town, it was a quiet peaceful walk into town, and since im bored and just want to sit outside, I'll go to the park for a little while, just to have a little time to myself. So off to the park I go.


*Ender's pov*

I zipped up my jacket and just put some stuff in my pockets, just some... Important items that I will need.

I could faintly hear the rain outside, so I put my hood up and header outside, now it's time to put my plan into action.

The streets were dark, with no one really walking around, making my plan much harder, but I just hope I can find someone, or maybe I should just burn someones house, maybe I will do that when im finished with this.

I just quickly walked around town, looking for someone, anyone.

I ended up in the park, not that I really mined ending up here, but I had a job to do, and I highly dout anyone would be here especially now that it's almost down pourinnnggg- oh? Now who is this?

I smirked as I stared off in the direction of a boy sitting on a bench, staring at the ground lost in thought.

I chuckle quietly to myself, this will be absolutely perfect.

I quickly walked over to the boy, and sat on the bench.

"Hey" I said trying to make a small conversation to the small boy, which he jumped to the sound of my presents.

"O-oh!? Uh- Hi?" He questioned himself, looking up at me.

"So what are you doing out here by yourself?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow, not like he could see any of my facial features, since I was wearing my face covering and I was looking towards the ground.

"Just clearing my mind" He calmly stated, looking back to the ground, a giant roar of thunder was heard.

I hummed in acknowledgment, I looked towards him, I smirked, time to put my plan into action.

I quietly and quickly pulled out a knife from it's holster on my belt, putting the knife to his neck, which made him gasp in shock and stiffing up in fear.

"Now, your going to listen to me" I threatened, pressing the knife to his neck, and the boy only softly nodded.

I only chuckled, lowering my knife a bit, snaking up my other hand up to his neck, holding him in place.

His breathing picked up, his heartbeat is pounding in his chest.

"Now, your gonna come with me, whether you like it or not" I whispered in his ear, he shivered as my hot breathe hit the back of his neck.

I slowly retracted my hand with the knife, putting it back into it's holster, and going back to my pocket, grabbing a bag with a cloth in it, soaked in chloroform, opening it up one handed.

That was when the small boy started to struggle in my arm, clawing at the hand that's at his neck, trying to get some air flow as I slowly started to add pressure to his neck, basically chocking the brunette.

But I just raised the drugged cloth to his face, the brunettes eyes widened, and started to struggle even more, turning his face away.

I growled in annoyance, moving the hand from his neck to his chin, harshly gripping it and turning it. Which he struggled against.

"At least you know to keep your fucking mouth shut, I wouldn't want anyone to listen to that annoying ass voice" I spat, forcing the cloth onto the small boys face.

He only struggled, not breathing at all, to avoid breathing the chemical in. But finally he breathed in, inhaling the chemical, knocking him out almost instantly, the boys head falling back and resting on my shoulder.

I put the cloth and bag back into my pocket, and picking up the boy in my arms bridle style, with his umbrella in his hands.

I say today was a successful one so far.

1043 words.

I hope this chapter was ok, I could have done better, but I can describe anything for shit right now, but I hope you all still liked it.

So yeah, sorry if it was kinda shit.

Sorry for spelling mistakes.

But I hope you have a great night/day!

Love you, bye!💕

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