Chapter 8

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Tw: Pills (medication) blood, stabbing. Probably something else-

*Tubbo's pov*

I groaned as I shifted awake, squinting my eyes as I turned over to look at the alarm clock.

3:26 am.

Slowly shifted back onto my back. I somehow manged to get under the warm covers, but I didn't really complain, it was pretty warm, and I loved it.

I knew I wasn't getting anymore sleep.

The sound of quiet snores filled the room from the dirty blonde.

He's still asleep... He's still asleep! Perfect.

I quietly got out of bed, trying to make as little noise as possible.

My feet touched the cold hard wood floor. When did I take my shoes off? Probably when I was sleeping.

I didn't let that bother me, I got up and starting walking around, luckily I saw where he put the key.

But I have one problem... How the fuck am I gonna get it. It's on a tall fucking shelf that I can't reach.

Or is it.

I smirked. I guess he didn't realize that I could go on top of the counter to reach.

I quickly and quietly went onto the counters, which was fun to do, since I had to go onto my stomach to get on top of.

When I finally got onto my feet, I reached over to the shelf, which was hard since it was kinda far from the counter.

I paid no mind to all the stuff on the shelf, which was just some expired pills in orange bottles, probably prescribed medication Ranboo used to take.

I grabbed the key, but the pills interested me, why would Ranboo take pills? Or what for?

I grabbed one to read.

Markus Alanis.... Antidepressants... Antipsychotics.....

It was some pretty heavy shit for him to be taking. Now I feel bad, he was clearly going through something.

I read the date of these pills.


These pills have been here for 7 fucking years!?

God. No wonder Ender had issues, well there's probably more, but clearly he stopped using his medication... Eh, I just want to get out of here.

I stepped off the counter and started walking to the door, holding the key in hand.

Man that dude has to find a better hiding place for his things, that was a little to easy.

I the key in the keyhole, twisted and unlocked it.

Finally freedom! I was practically bouncing in my place. I started to open the door, this escape was almost to easy-

The door suddenly slammed shut, making me jump, a man was now leaning against the door.

"Where do you think your going~" He said, leaning down to my level, a crazy smile placed on his face.

I opened and closed my mouth repeatedly, not knowing what to even say, fear and anxiety rushing through me, this is probably the day I fucking die, im gonna die because of a dumbass mistake.

"Well? You gonna explain yourself?" He asked. My throat was dry, closed off, I couldn't speak because of the fear going through me.

He hummed and grabbed my shirt, making me gasp.

"You really think I wouldn't notice you trying to sneak out~" He whisper, which made shivers up my spine, why is he so calm. Why.

"Maybe a punishment should be established" His voice went from calm to strict, his grip on my shirt go tighter.

I gulped in fear, I am so gonna fucking die!

Suddenly there was a crash and my back and basically my entire body ached, I was practically thrown into the kitchen counter.

"First you try to sneak out, but going through my personal stuff? That's a little much" He said lowly, walking towards me.

He stopped and looked the counter... He smirked and looked at me, grabbing something on the counter.

"Let's play a little game. Darts perhaps~?" He asked, analyzing the shiny knife in his hands.

"Except, only I will be throwing the darts~" He said sadistically, a wicked look and psycho look in gus eyes.

My eyes widen in fear as he casually threw one, I ducked and it went over my head, the blade sticking into the floor.

I knew this guy was crazy, but not this crazy!

My breathing picked up, water started to build up in my eyes. I dodged the next blade that was aimed at me. I started to hyperventilate, my body shaking, almost violently.

I didn't want to die, not like this, I don't want to be murdered, why did I do this stupid fucking plan.

My breathing hitched, pain soared through my hand.

"Huh 20 points" He chuckled, finding this amusing.

There was a knife in my hand. THERE'S A KNIFE IN MY FUCKING HAND!

I grabbed the handle, but pain shot through my hand.

I sobbed out in pain, I just gripped harder on the handle and ripped it out, blood started to pour out of me and onto the floor.

I felt my head get tilted up, looking at the psycho that I call my kidnapper.

"Hmmm you look much better marked up with scars" Ranboo smirked.

"W-wh-y" I breathed out, my eyes dropping.

"It's you're punishment, you deserve this for snooping and trying to run away" Ranboo said seriously, grabbing a fist full of my hair.

"Be fucking glad im not gonna kill you" He said, harshly shoving me to the floor.

"Yo-you are suc-h a ass" I muttered, god everything is dizzy.

Ranboo just tsked, rolled his eyes and walked away, leaving me there, bleeding out of my hand.

Is this really my life now? Kidnapped, abused, and bleeding out on the fucking floor.

I miss my mother and Tommy.

I even miss going to school, I rather being there then here.

Tears stared to stream down my cheeks, and I started to just sob, crying out loud, not even caring about the bitch in the room.

I cried myself back to sleep, blood all around me.

It was only 4:15 a.m.

When is it my time to fucking die.

1007 Words.

Boom there, another update!

This was kinda like a filler chapter since I have no idea what im doing.

Also, any ideas for this story that I should take? I would love some :)

K that's all!

Have a good night/day!

Love you, bye! 💕

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