Chapter 6

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Tw: Kidnapping, drug dealing, gun, murder. Let me know if I missed anything :)

*Ender's pov*

I finished tying the small brunette to a chair, I guess I need to find a place to put him... Or just keep him in the chair to make him suffer....

Anyways, I just went over to my swivel chair, spinning around in it looking at the boy in front of me.

I stuck my tongue out and rolled my eyes, looking away from him, stupid perfect looking people.

I just started to mumble to myself, grabbing a random thing on my desk, which happened to be a rubix cube, so I scrambled it and started to solve it. So I sat there, continuously solving the rubix cube until the boy started to stir awake, his bluey-green eyes blinking a fee times getting used to the bright lights in the room.

I put the solved cube onto the desk, which made a soft click sound, and stood up, making my way over to the boy.

"Finally your awake" I chuckled, tracing my fingers lightly across his right to left shoulder, the boys body shivered at the touch.

"Now what to do with you" I continued, bending over, draping my arms over his shoulders, putting my right hand to his neck.

"Hmmm, I could kill you, just easily-" I slid my thumb over his throat, making the boy quickly inhale.

"Or just keep you here, torture you for awhile? Hm? How does that sound?" I questioned, making the brunette to quickly shake his head, making me hum.

"Hmm then what should I do with you?" I asked, mostly to myself, moving away from him, letting my arms drag across him.

Sitting back into my own chair, thinking.

"W-what do you even w-want?" The boys voice was raspy and quiet, but I could hear him in the empty quiet room.

"Heh, just wanted something else to do besides robberies, so I figured why not have do more fun in a crime" I shrugged, looking to my monitor, powering it up, looking at a few stuff.

"But maybe I can use you for something though, find me some jobs, maybe join me on some. I think you would be a good dealer" I casually continued, clicking on some emails for some job offers, knowing the boy can see and read them.

"Oh! Where are my manners. The names Ranboo" I exclaimed, turning around to look at the brunette, seeing a terrified look on his face.

"I- T-toby, but uh, call me Tubbo" His voice quivered, the fear prominent in his voice.

"What a lovely name, especially for someone like you" I snickered, sarcasm im my voice.

"Now-" I rolled over to him, checking my phone, it was pretty late now, since hours had gone by.

"Maybe we can cause some chaos in town, plus I can't just leave you by yourself when I have a job to go to" I said, starting to untie him. Luckily I can use this rope to keep him close to me.

"You know maybe I can let you do something" I offered, an audible gulp was heard from Tubbo.

"L-like what?" He rasped out.

"Oh idk, maybe I'll show you" I chuckled.

Oh how fun this will be.


*Tubbo's pov*

Oh, how did I even end up like this, being dragged around like im worthless, I can't even run, who knows what will happen if I try.

"Wow had to bring your little dog to this?"

"Look man, don't worry 'bout him, just give me the cash and i'll give you the stuff" Ranboo stated, his voice serious and cold, it ran a chill up my spin.

"Ok ok, how much is it" the guy asked, he did look cute, dark brown curls, freckles, pretty dark skin with vibrant green eyes.

"150 for the bag"

The man started to count his money, but when he stopped he frowned.

"I swear I had enough, but I guess not" The man said, poor guy, will he was buying illegal drugs, so I don't feel to bad.

Ranboo just huffed, annoyed.

"So I came here, for no reason then" Ranboo growled, hands forming into fists.

"Look im sorry, I thought I had enough man" The man apologized, jeez this guy has issues, but then again if I was him, I would be upset too.

"Well you wasted my time, for no reason, I come here to get paid, not for people like you to waste my time" Ranboo snarled, pulling something from his belt-

Oh shit!

I quickly try to pull away to get as far away as I can from the man infront of me. Tears bubbling up in my eyes, ready to stream down my cheeks.

I don't want to see this, hear this, that just made me struggle more.

"STOP STRUGGLING YOU LITTLE BITCH! I WON'T HESITATE TO SHOOT YOU TOO!" Ranboo yelled, pulling the rope towards him, making me fall forward, pointing his now ready to shoot gun at me. Please have mercy on me, please!

I quickly nodded looking away from the man, my capture, someone who could shoot me at any moment if I messed up.

I justed wanted to sob, run away from here, why me.

I winced. One shot was fired, then another, and another, and another.

That man was shot around 10 time, or more, I lost count.

I felt a tug on the rope, Ranboo was moving more towards the body, so I knew I to go towards him, not wanting my fait to end like the now dead man.

I saw him write something.

I gasped, and fell over in shock, scooting away from the man, now towering over me, looking at the body, a low chuckle emerged from him.

"Oh look at it! A new masterpiece to show to the world!"

That was the night I learned my capture, Ranboo, was the infamous Ender.

983 Words.

Can I say how much I enjoy this chapter? Because I liked the end of it.

But I hoped you all enjoyed it!

But I have really nothing else to say.

Have a great night/day!

Love you, bye! 💕

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