chp.9 d&d day

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I was sleeping comfortably and soundly until it was halted with the rapid and repetitive pressure against my mattress caused by my brother, my dear brother jumping on my bed. "Y/n, y/n, y/n!!" "what ed." i lift my head from the comfort of my pillow but refuse to open my eyes. "Its d&d day, come on get up!" "What? It is?" My eyes force themselves open at the sudden news instantly regretting it as the sting hits them. "Yes, yes get up!" "Ok ok, get out"

Eddie leaves my room and I walk over to the bathroom in my room, rubbing my eyes lightly with water forcing my body's blood to get pumping. I cant say im not excited, d&d day is the one day me and my group can hang out and have fun, we dress up fantasy like or as our d&d character and go through our day as per usual. I dressed up as my character the last 2 times so I decided i might as well switch it up this time, you know, be more original. I brush my hair and put on my outfit, once my outfit was on I did my hair (optional)

 I brush my hair and put on my outfit, once my outfit was on I did my hair (optional)

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I felt nice, the outfit was fantastical and pretty comfortable. I decided to wear my platform combat boots with it and i took the iron sword eddie bought me last year with me, to accommodate the outfit.
I make my way downstairs and saw that Eddie was already ready, not that i was surprised. But he didn't look to shabby, probably the only time ill ever see him so put together. The sorcerer outfit on like made his features stand out, his long messy waves pulling the outfit together he looked nice.

 The sorcerer outfit on like made his features stand out, his long messy waves pulling the outfit together he looked nice

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"wow, y/n. You look great" "same to you mr. sorcerer, chriss gonna love it" i tease, winking. His cheeks get flushed and he punches my arm lightly then grabbing the keys and heading to the care me following, we get in his van and get to school. On the way I was wondering what Gareth dressed as, and if he would like my outfit. I loved my outfit, seeing as i picked it out but i was curious as to what he was dressed as.

We arrive at school, eddie opens the door for me and we enter the school. We walk up to the retired music room and eddie holds the door allowing me to walk in first, him following shortly after. We walk into the dimly lit room and wait for the boys to come out. Dustin, Mike and Gareth come out of the shadows dustin and Mike hug me tightly "hey there boys" "y/n help, dustin just threatened to bite me" Mike yelps "woah, y/n you look sick!" Dustin retorts ignoring what mike said completely "thanks dusty, i like the sword" i comment to Dustin's knight costume "thanks" he replies enthusiastically. I bow to take my leave as to talk to Gareth, who was dressed as a peasant, how convenient. Raged brown clothes with a moss green cloak. I walk over to him as he smiles.

"Im afraid i have no loot for you to take miss piratis" "what a shame, seems i will have to settle for something else?" He pulls me in by the waist, the ruff feeling of his finger tips against the soft flesh of my hips. I drape my arms on his shoulders, i see the glint in his eye as he pulls me closer and kisses me. We both smile into the kiss, as our lips fit together and move in sinc yet of course the beautiful moment is interrupted. "ewww, get off the beautiful piratis peasant!" Dustin urges "yeah, you are not worthy of her affection!" Mike pushes "i agree, get off my sister before i take you off of her. Peasant!" Finishes the sorcerer. I sigh at their silly remarks, as i draw my sword and point it towards my beloved friends, leaving it inches away from there faces while gareth's arms are still around my hips. "Down boys." They raise their hand in defense as the kneel. The bell rings and i smirk walking up to Dustin "stand brave knight, the kingdom awaits" i slid my sword back in its holder and reaching my hand out to him, He takes a hold of my hand and me, dustin, and jeff who waited outside walk to class together since we all seemed to have geometry first.


Me and max walk out of global history groaning and stretching "is it just me or did that shit last foreverr." Max sighs "and boring, not to mention fucking useless. I walked in there not wanting to learn about 1754, and walked out not wanting to learn about 1754." I add "I literally don't understand why we need to learn that, it's not like in our future jobs as fucking barista's we are gonna be asked "oh, how many people fought in the French and Indian war" max mocks "honestly" i snort and wrap my arm around her shoulders. We walk to our lockers adding mean comments about our global teacher, me and max have been friends ever since she moved here, despite having different friends groups.

"Sitting with el and will again?" "yep, as always" "y'know your always welcome at my table, you pretty much know everyone" "yeah I know but, too many people y'get?" "yeah I get that- well let's get going" "yeah lets not keep em' waiting" we close our lockers and head to the cafeteria, when we arrive i walk max to her table say hey to will and el giving them hugs before walking to my table. "Hey
y/n/n. What took so long?" "it was like 2 minutes ed, but I wanted to say hi to will and el" "oh those rascals" "their not the rascals, if anything these two are" i say messing with dustin's and mike's hair "hey!" Dustin murmurs offended "eh, I'll take it" mike shrugs "atta boy" i say sitting next to gareth and kissing his cheek "hi, love" gareth speaks "i strictly said, no kissing!" I grab the back of gareth's neck and smash his lips into mine. Once i pull away Eddie smacks Gareth "ow! What did I do?!" "You're a bad influence!" He retorts. I laugh amused and the trouble Ive caused, and rest my legs on top of gareth's leaning against Jeff eating the sandwich ed made me as i watch them bicker.

Then as soon as it came my peace left, as the most  aggravating, disgusting voice enters my ears. "Hey Henderson." Jason shouts, gaining everyones attention. Dustin turns around and Jason uses the chance to spill milk all over Dustins head, everyone gasps and ed goes to stand up but mike pulls him down knowing his tendency to overact. Mike looks over to me silently pleading, i nod. Jason and his squad were chuckle and snort at there short victory behind dustin all except for chrissy a genuine nice, pretty girl, who was trying to help dustin get the milk off his face and hands. "i am so tired of this bobble headed blond bitch." I mutter slamming my hands on the table as i stand from my seat, i make my way over to the prick and shout. "Hey carver." Just as he once did to dustin, he turns to face me a stupid smirk plastered upon his face, fading as he sees my fist meet his face. I punch him in the face, hearing a crack from assuming his nose. He falls back letting out a cry

"Not a nice fucking way to start a conversation, is it?" Jason grips his nose a expression full of rage, pain, and fear on his face. "Next time you decide to mess with my fucking friends, think again bitch boy."
Jasons friends pick him up and help him to the nurse. I sigh, shaking my hand as the adrenaline wears off and the pain hits my fist. I calmly make my way back to dustin as to not upset him more, taking off his hat and helping him up. He goes to hug you but you gently push him back "I love you dusty but I prefer to remain dry" He nods and i take him to the main office to get him new clothes. I walk him to the bathroom giving him one of the towels from the locker room "go change and wash your hair" he walks in, and once he comes out i help him dry and fix his hair. I smile and put his hat back on, he pulls me into an embrace. I smile and hug him back gently playing with his wet curls, his head rests on my chest

"thank you y/n, i love you" "what are friends for, c'mon ill take you class" He nods as i take his hand and walk with him to his class

1526 words

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