chp.10 consequences

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"y/n m/n munson, come to the principles office please." "damn full government too?" I sigh and grab my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder and leaving my art classroom. during my favorite class too. I walk into the principals office preparing for an lecture, and just as i expected jason..and dustin?..i mean i guess he was the victim so. "Mr. Coleman?" "Ah ms. munson, thank you for coming on such short notice." "y/n is fine" i speak in a calm manner as too not escalate the situation. He nods and gestures to the seat next to dustin, i place my hand on his shoulder sitting down next to him with a soft smile. "Mr. Carver, please apologize y/n and dustin it seems it is long due." Jason lets a airy chuckle leave his hoarse throat "im sorry..what?" "Apologize to them, please." Jason stands from his seat leaning over the table his palms slamming against the dark wooden surface. "She broke my nose!" The kid inside me wanted to laugh and be petty, but i was "better" than that "Mr. Carver, i will not allow you to stand here and yell at me. Apologize immediately." "wha- i- she! uuf, fine. Im sorry y/n." I smirk "dont worry about me jason, i think dustin's the one who deserves an apology." His eyes roll into the back of his head as he lets out a huff "im sorry dustin." "Apology accepted jason, thank you." dusting smirks standing by my side.

"Jason, due to the mess you made in the cafeteria and distuction of school are benched from the game this week. You may now go to class."

Jason as clearly in rage but didnt dare say anything in fear of more punishment. He urges out the office slamming the door behind him. Mr. Coleman turns to face me and dustin, a clearly stressed facial expression. "Y/n, thank you for standing up for dustin. Mr. Carver clearly doesn't know how to act." "Of course, thank you mr. Coleman" "Dustin, i am sorry again. You two are dismissed have a great weekend" "have a great weekend mr. Coleman, get home too your kids tell your wife we said hi" i thank, he returns with a smile and a nod as me and dustin walk out, the door closing behind us.

We both stand there looking at each other for a moment before the biggest shit eating grins finds its way onto our faces. Eddie, Chrissy and Gareth who where standing outside the door waiting for us look at us confused. "What did we miss?" Ed questions "oh, nothing" i smirk at dustin as he hops onto ed's back and i walk over to gareth, placing my hands on his chest and pecking him. "Lets go home im beat" i exhale smiling, gareth shares a confused look with ed but looks back at me "ok, lets go then"

500 words
A/n: updated‼️

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