Chapter Ten

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"Okay, pull on it and see if it holds!" Dustin shouted up. Him and Erica had tied up anything they could find, curtains, bed sheets to make something that resembled a rope. He hoped if he let go, it would hold in place and the older teens could safely climb they're way back up to the real world.

Robin pulled on it, and it seemed to stay. "Guess I'm the guinea pig." She said before she started to climb up. Once she reached the real world, she let go and landed safely on the mattress Lucas and Max had places there for them.
"That was fun." She exclaimed as Dustin helped her up.

"Monica, you're up." Steve pointed to the 'rope'. She took a deep breathe, Eddie gave her a lift up and she also made it to the other side, swiftly followed by Eddie.

"Nancy, hey. Hey!" They all faintly heard coming from above them. Looking up, they saw Steve gently shaking Nancy shouting for her to wake up.
"Vecna." Max said suddenly.

"We need music!" Dustin said and they all sprinted towards Eddies bedroom, rummaging through his cassettes.

"Steve says you need to hurry!" Erica ran in saying.
"Yeah? No shit!" Dustin yelled.
"We're trying we can't find anything."

"Seriously! What is all this shit!?" Robin said with a hand full of tapes.
"What are you even looking for?" Eddie asked.
"Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music, we need music!"

Eddie grabbed one of the tapes from Robin's hand. "This is music!"

"Guys, just calm down!" Monica took the tape back from Eddie and threw it on the bed next to Robin. "There has to be something."

Luckily, they didn't need the music. After a few terrifying minutes thinking they were going to lose their friend, Nancy snapped out of it and collapsed onto Steve's arms. Steve helped her and himself back into Eddies trailer through the gate. She was so exhausted, she fell asleep only a few moments after. The group decided to leave her to rest, knowing they all actually needed some rest. It had been a long few days.

Most of them were gathered in the living room of the trailer, they didn't want to leave Nancy, or Max or even each other.
"Hey, come with me." Eddie whispered to Monica, motioning for her to follow him. They both walked off into Eddies bedroom. "I thought you might want something else to wear, I don't think that will last you." He pointed to her top which had been ripped to shreds by the bat. It didn't help there wasn't much too it either. Why did she decide to wear a crochet top?
"Yeah, sure." Monica nodded as Eddie handed her one of his tops. He told her were the bathroom was and let her go and get changed.

She couldn't help but laugh as she saw herself in the mirror. When she walked back in to the bedroom, Eddie was sat on the edge of his bed.
"This," she pointed to the top she was wearing. "This does not mean I'm joining your Hellfire Club Munson." She laughed.
"Well that's a real shame Mackenzie, it suits you," he smiled. "Look, I was thinking," he started. "Why don't you take my bed tonight? You've not had a decent sleep for a few nights."

"Oh, no that's okay." She shook her head.
"Monica, just take the bed before I change my mind and kick you out into the living room."

"Fine!" She gave up and walked over to the bed.
"Well then, I guess I'll see you in the morning."

"Wait, Eddie," She called after him. "Can you stay? I don't really want to be on my own right now."

He nodded, closing the door and sitting besides Monica, there was a considerable amount of space between them. Neither of them wanted to get too close or make it awkward. Eddie was still pretty much trying to get his head around Monica Mackenzie being in his bedroom.

"Besides, I've spent the past three nights with you, how would I cope without you?" She asked sarcastically. But she knew she wasn't really being sarcastic, she'd grown used to having him there with her.

Monica adjusted herself and got under the covers.
"You okay? After all that shit?" Eddie asked.
"To tell you the truth, I don't know how those guys have been through this three times already and not gone completely insane!"

Eddie let out a light chuckle. "See, that's why us first timers have to stick together."

Eddie turned to face Monica, who was just looking down, messing with the hem of Eddies t-shirt. Obviously he'd seen her at school countless times, they'd just never spoke, but he never really had the chance to look at her properly. She was beautiful. Even as she sat in his bedroom, in his bed, wearing his clothes, she looked beautiful. He didn't care that her hair was messy or her once perfectly flicked eyeliner was now smudged across her face. Even the fact she was covered in dirt, blood or whatever they came across in the Upside Down, it didn't matter to him. But he was confused, he'd never looked at her in this way before. He wasn't even sure if Monica was his type. What even was his type?

He thought she was like the rest of the group she hung out with, like Jason. He thought the same about Chrissy, but she proved him wrong. Here Monica was doing the exact same. Had he really fallen for Monica Mackenzie?

"Hey." He playfully nudged her after she didn't reply to him.
"I'm scared Eddie," she finally spoke. "And I know it sounds stupid. What do I have to be scared about? The whole town is literally after you."
"Hey, hey," he moved to sit in front of her. "You have every right to be scared. I'm scared too, but we're going to be fine. Okay?"

She nodded, holding back the tears. She didn't know why she was on the verge of tears, and she also didn't want to cry in front of Eddie.
"Have you got a radio? I need something to help me sleep and I don't think any of your metal music will do that." She asked with a small smile.
"Sure." Eddie reached over to turn on the radio, tuning it to a random station. I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner was in the middle of playing as he got back in to bed. He stayed on top of the covers, not wanting to make Monica uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'm going to try and get some sleep. No doubt it's going to be another hectic day tomorrow." Monica said be rolling over to face the opposite way. Every Breath You Take by The Police started to play quietly in the background. She couldn't help but smile to herself at the situation she currently found herself in. Never in a million years did she think she'd be sleeping next to Eddie Munson, in his bed. But she wasn't mad about it.

"Monica, can you turn around for a sec." Eddie lightly tapped her shoulder. She turned around, sitting up to face him.
"I just uh, hope you know, I'm not going to let anything hurt you, especially not another one of those bats! I've not had a proper chance to thank you. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't stayed with me. I'd probably be dead or something."
"Eddie, don't say that!" She scolded. "I don't even want to think about that."

"Sorry," He said. "But seriously, thank you." he smiled.
Monica smiled back at him.

He found himself getting lost in her deep, blue eyes. Yep, definitely fallen for her. Who wouldn't?

A wave of confidence took over and Monica reached out, holding Eddies hand.
"I guess I've grown quite fond of you over these last few days, Munson."

But what did that mean? Eddie sighed, there was only really one way to find out. He started to move a little closer. Monica wasted no time, closing the gap between them, placing her lips against his. She felt like her heart was about to beat of her chest, she'd never felt like this before. Eddie cupped her face with his hand, instantly kissing her back.

It only lasted for a few seconds, but they both pulled away with a grin.
"Seriously, we should sleep now." Monica spoke still smiling. She knew her cheeks were bright red, but she didn't care. They both lay next to each other, still keeping hold of each other's hand.

"Psst, just a quick one," Eddie whispered. "Just in case you get possessed by Vecna, which is definitely not going to happen, but hypothetically which song shall we play? Just to save all the messing around because I'm getting you out of there as soon as possible."
"This one." She replied, drifting off to the sound of The Police. She'd never forget this moment.

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