Chapter Twelve

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It seemed like a long drive to The War Zone. Steve and Nancy were sat up front, Robin had fallen asleep, Erica was keeping herself company and Lucas and Max were talking towards the back of the trailer d. Dustin, Monica and Eddie were sat together, bored out of their minds. They'd found a connect four in one of the cupboards and decided to play.

"I can't believe we're going here and I can't even come in." Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Well you can come in with us, if you want to get caught." Monica told him.
"You're not going to wait with me?" He turned to face her. She shook her head in reply. "You don't need me, Eddie. You'll be fine for like, 10 minutes."

Dustin eyed the pair of them as they laughed together, the odd touches here and there. They'd become extremely close in the last few days, everyone had mentioned it.
"Eddie, are you going to go or would you rather to keep flirting with Monica?" He said, waiting for Eddie to take his go at the game.Eddie quickly turned to face him, raising an eyebrow. "I just feel like a third wheel."

Monica could feel her cheeks turning red. "You're not! It's not like that. There's nothing going on." Monica told him, taking Eddie's turn for him. It was a lie, and Dustin knew it but he just brushed it off.

Not long after, they finally arrived at the store. Lucas and Dustin stayed with Eddie in the trailer.

"So much for avoiding angry hicks." Robin muttered as they entered the store, which was full of the people of Hawkins.
"Let's just be, fast." Nancy spoke before they all branched off in search for weapons. Erica grabbed a trolley, throwing anything she could find in. Steve and Robin stocked up on gasoline, and he finally found something else to wear than just Eddie's denim vest.

Monica stuck with Nancy. She never thought she'd say it, but Nancy was kind of badass, she felt safe with her. She was looking at guns, which Monica knew nothing about, but by the looks of it Nancy was an expert.

"How do you know so much about this?"
"Years of fighting demogorgans I guess." She shrugged. The girls both heard a familiar voice, looking to their right to see the blonde haired boy they dreaded bumping in to. Jason Carver. They looked at each with worry plastered all over their faces.

"Nancy Wheeler," He started, pointing over with a gun in his hand. "Wouldn't expect to find you here."
"Yeah well, it's just, scary times." She replied.
"Monica Mackenzie? How long have you two been friends?" He question with a confused look. He spent most days with Monica, she'd never mentioned Nancy before.
"Not long." She quickly answered. She was scared of saying the wrong thing.

"I'm uh, sorry about Chrissy." Nancy said, trying to get rid of the tension. He didn't reply though.
"Now you're brother, is he here by any chance?" He asked, holding onto her shotgun. "I only ask because he's in Hellfire, right?"

"Would you let go?" She told him forcefully, keeping a strong grip on her gun.
"What about his friends? Or Eddie Munson?"

"What's it got to do with you?" Monica interrupted at the mention of Eddie. She hated that he was even saying his name.
"Just wondering. You've seen the news though? Wanted for murder."

"Yeah well they're not here," She spoke, biting the inside of her cheek. She glared at him, eyeing him up and down. "Eddies not here."

Jason hastily let go of the gun and walked off with his friends. The group quickly paid for whatever they had and rushed back to the trailer.

"We gotta go!" Steve said, throwing the door open to the trailer, everyone quickly following.
"You're old friends are here." Erica said to Lucas. Steve wasted no time getting back to the drivers seat and making their way back to Hawkins.

"Hey, you alright?" Eddie asked, sitting besides Monica who had been quiet since coming back from the store.
"I hate him. That asshole!" She sighed. "As soon as he started talking about you I just saw red."

Eddie didn't care that they were with the rest of the group, they all seemed more interested in the new weapons anyway. He quickly took hold of Monica's hand, holding her tightly which made Monica smile a little bit.
"Don't let him get to you." He told her, she just nodded, closing her eyes and rested against his shoulder. Eddie wrapped his arm round her and held her close. She found it oddly comforting. She never thought she'd feel like this with anyone, let alone Eddie Munson.

Dustin saw them both from the corner of his eye. He looked up and saw Max looking over too. They both made eye contact, Dustin let out a smirk and shook his head. Nothing going on? Yeah right!

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