Chapter Two

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Monica was happy it was finally spring break. School wasn't that bad for her, but it was nice to finally have some time to herself. It was the day after the game, Lucas Sinclairs name was everywhere.

When Lucas woke the next morning, he felt like death. He instantly knew he drank way too much last night, he wasn't used to this. The team gathered at an abandoned Benny's Burgers to celebrate.
"Oh, hey Monica," Lucas half smiled, feeling like he was going to throw up any second. "What are you doing here? Not that you're not welcome, it's just you don't come here often."

"I'm just looking for Chrissy."
"Chrissy? I thought she left with you after the game?" Lucas asked confused.
"I assumed she'd be here with Jason. Weird."
"Maybe she just went home," Lucas shrugged. "She did look tired."

Monica said goodbye to Lucas and left Benny's Burgers. It was so unlike Chrissy to leave a game without Jason. She was always up for celebrating, especially a win. Monica racked her brain thinking where Chrissy could've gone, but nothing came to mind. She walked to her house, knocking but there was no answer. She sighed, deciding to head for the video store. She walked in to see Steve and Robin working. Dustin and Max were also behind the counter.

"Hey Mon, what brings you here?" Steve asked smiling, but he also looked a little stressed.
"Have either of you seen Chrissy? Did you see her leave last night?" Monica asked.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked, noticing the panicked look on Monica's face.
"I'm probably just over thinking. I called by her house and nobody was home. She's not with the rest of the team at Benny's. It's just really unlike her."

"I saw her," Max spoke. "Last night I saw her with Eddie."
"Eddie? As in Eddie Munson?" Monica asked, raising her eyebrow. Chrissy never mentioned she was friends with Eddie. She didn't think they even knew each other.

"Look, Dustin and Max think something may have happened- " Steve started.
"With Chrissy?"
"Mon," he said. "We think Eddie may be at Reefer Rick's-"

"As in Reefer Rick the drug dealer?"
"Monica please!" Steve huffed. "Stop interrupting. We're heading over there. Why don't you come with us?"

Monica sighed, nodding in agreement. Robin locked the store and the five of them squeezed into Steve's car on their was to Reefer Rick's house at Lover's Lake. She had so many questions. Was it really Chrissy Max had seen with Eddie? If so, what was she doing with Eddie? Why would she be at Lover's Lake?

Steve pulled up outside the house. It was dark by the time they arrived. Dustin walked up to the front door, ringing the door bell several times.

"Well that's settled. He's not here." Steve shrugged.
"Eddie! It's Dustin. We just want to talk," He shouted. "Eddie! Reefer Rick!"
"Don't shout that!"

Robin shone her torch through the front windows as Max walked around to the side of the house. There seemed to be nobody there.

"Hey, guys!" Max shouted over, disturbing an argument between Steve and Dustin. She pointed her torch to what looked like an old boathouse.
"Perfect hiding spot." Robin smiled, before the group slowly made their way to the boathouse.

It was dark. There was no signs of Chrissy or Eddie.
"Guys, are we wasting our time here?" Monica rolled her eyes. "Why would they need to be hiding? And why in a drug dealers old boathouse?"

"What are you doing?" Dustin looked over to Steve, who was prodding a boat with an oar in the middle of the boathouse.
"He might be in here."
"Well than take the tarp off..."

Dustin and Steve's voices faded as Monica followed Max.
"Someone was here." She spoke, picking up old food wrappers and an empty bottle of beer.
"I'm confused. What are we actually supposed to be looking for?"

Monica was interrupted by the sound of lots of banging and screams.
"Wait, wait,wait!" Steve shouted as he was pushed up against the wall.

"Eddie!" Dustin yelled. Eddie, it's me Dustin. This is Steve. He's not going to hurt you!" Dustin noticed the glass bottle Eddie was holding against Steve's neck.

"What are you doing here?" Eddie muttered.
"We're looking for you." Dustin answered.
"We're here to help." Robin added.

"Eddie, we're on your side," Dustin told him in a calming tone. "Just drop the bottle, please."

"On his side? What exactly is going on? Where's Chrissy?" Monica asked, frustrated.
"Monica Mackenzie? What are you doing here?" Eddie asked with a puzzled look on his face.
"Look, I'm here for Chrissy. Can someone please explain to me what is going on."

Eddie let go of Steve, who let out a sigh of relief "You won't believe me." he shook his head.
"Try us." Max shrugged.

Eddie sat and explained what happened last night after the game. He told them how he drove Chrissy to his trailer after she asked him for drugs.

"Her body just like, lifted up into the air. It was like she was in some kind of trance. I tried to wake her but she just wouldn't snap out of it.

"Her bones, started to snap. I didn't know what to do. I just ran away. I left her there. You all think I'm crazy right?" Eddie spoke, fighting back tears.

"No!" Dustin answered. "We believe you."

"You-you left her there?" Monica stuttered, tears rolling down her face. She was in complete disbelief. Steve put his hand on her shoulder.

"Monica I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do.."
"You guys believe his story? That she just floated up to the ceiling and broke all her bones? And drugs? Chrissy never ever does drugs!"

"Monica, you have to understand-"
"No, Steve!" Monica pushed him off and ran outside. She collapsed outside the door, sobbing. How could she be dead?

Eddies story was unbelievable, her thoughts were all over the place.

"Monica," a soft voice spoke "Can we talk?" It was Dustin. Although she hardly knew him, they'd probably never spoken a word to each other before, she trusted him. She nodded and followed him to a bench nearby by.

"You know how people say Hawkins is cursed? He started. "They're not, way off."

He explains to her about another world. A world hidden beneath Hawkins. A world of monsters. It was hard for Monica to take all this in. None of it felt real. At first she thought it was a practical joke, until the radio on the way home announced the death of a Hawkin's high school student. Chrissy Cunningham.

Steve pulled up outside of Monica's house.
"Listen Mon, I'm so sorry about Chrissy. I know how close you two were. I'm always here, as a friend."
"Thanks Steve." She managed to reply.

"So, we're taking Eddie some food and stuff tomorrow. Since she was found in his trailer, the police are going to be pretty convinced he killed her. He needs to stay in hiding. Do you want me to pick you up? You can come with us."

"Why would you want to do that?"

"Mon, we need to kill this Vecna creep Dustin and Eddie were talking about. I know it all sounds pretty delusional, but we've been through this before. A few times actually. We can kill the monster that killed your best friend."

He was right. Monica was angry. Some monster had taken her best friend from her.

"The others won't mind me tagging along?" She asked.
"Course not!"
"Okay," Monica nodded. "I'll come."


<3 boathouse eddie is the best eddie

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