Chapter One

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Monica walked with Chrissy by her side to the cafeteria for lunch. It was crowded, but they sat together at their usual table, surrounded by the rest of the cheer squad and the basket ball team. Monica wasn't on the cheer squad, or the basket ball team of course, but she was Chrissy's best friend, and had been since kindergarten. She admitted herself she would never fit in with the rest of the group, but didn't have many friends besides Chrissy.

It was loud. It was the teams championship game tonight and everyone was buzzing with excitement. Monica would attend, in support of Chrissy who was head cheerleader, she had no interest in basketball. Jason, Chrissy's boyfriend was the team captain. Monica tried not to speak to Jason much, they just never saw eye to eye. As long as her best friend was happy, so was she.

Monica ate her lunch, laughing at peoples jokes and joining in conversation every now and again.

"As long as you're into band. Or science. Or parties."

Everybody turned their head towards the boy on the table. Eddie Munson. Better known as Eddie 'the freak' Munson. Leader of the Hellfire Club, who played a fantasy game, Dungeons and Dragons.

"Or a game where you toss balls in to laundry baskets!" he yelled, looking over to the table where Monica and the team were sat.
"You want something freak?" Jason stood up from his seat, walking closer to Eddie, who just stuck his tongue out and used his fingers as devil horns in reply before letting out a smirk.
"Prick." Jason muttered, returning to his seat with the rest of the team.

The rest of the Hellfire Club laughed as Eddie joined them and sat back in his seat.
"So uh, speaking of monsters," Dustin spoke. "Lucas has to do his uh, balls in laundry baskets game. So he's not going to be able to make it to Hellfire tonight." He laughed, a nervous laugh, hoping Mike, who was sat beside him would jump in to back him up.

Dustin rambled on, Eddie only half listening to what he was saying.
"and we were thinking, that maybe we might.."
"Postpone!" Mike finished as Dustin muttered.

"Postpone!?" The rest of the group echoed.

Eddie shouted for the group to shut up, asking why the two boys hadn't found a sub, taking Lucas' place so they campaign can still go ahead.

Although near enough every student in Hawkins Middle and High School would be in attendance of the championship game later that night, Dustin and Mike were given no choice but to find a sub to replace Lucas.

Lucas struggles to commit to Hellfire Club, living a completely different life as a benchwarmer for the basketball team. He's finally popular and rid of the bullies, there's just one thing missing. Max.

Eight months ago, Max's brother Billy had died in the 'Starcourt Mall fire'. Since, she had been deeply struggling with the death of her step brother. She blamed herself for his death. She broke up with Lucas not long after.

Now she saw the schools guidance councillor, Ms Kelly, because of her poor grades and health. She was just leaving the office when she heard the familiar voice.

"Max, hey."
"Are you stalking me or something?" She answered, continuing to walk away from Lucas.
"No, I just wanted to give you this." He handed her a piece of paper. She looked down to see a ticket to the game. She sighed.

"You really care about this?" She shook her head. They both stopped, she turned to look at Lucas.

"I know something is wrong.." he started.
"Yeah, something must be wrong, because I broke up with you?" Max asked sarcastically. "People just change, Okay? It's that simple," She handed him back the ticket before making her way into the girls bathroom. "Good luck."

As she entered the bathroom, she heard someone coughing, almost sounding like they were throwing up. Max asked if they were alright, only for the girl to reply asking her to go away. She quickly left the bathroom.

Chrissy flushed the toilet, wiping her mouth and sitting upright. She heard a knock on the cubicle door.
"Are you deaf? I said go away!"

She was confused. All she could hear was her mothers voice. It was loud and frightening. She backed into the corner covering her ears just screaming for the voices to go away. She was scared. Why did this keep happening to her? The sudden silence alerted her, she opened the door to an empty bathroom.

Monica took her seat towards the front as the gymnasium started to fill up.
"Hey, Mon."
She looked up to see her old friend smiling down at her.
"Hey Steve, you alright?" She replied. Monica had met Steve years ago. They were never super close, but they used to hang out up until last year when Steve graduated. They saw a lot of each other at basket training and lunches. She realised he wasn't as bad as she thought he might be. He was also now close with Robin, who Monica was also friendly with. She'd visited them at Scoops several times before the incident.

Steve grinned back at Monica before taking his seat.
"Doesn't it bother you that like, we might win the championship right after you graduated?" His date Brenda asked, laughing.
"Thank you so much for bringing that up Brenda."

Monica watched as the game was played out. She didn't know the rules of basketball and to be honest, was getting pretty bored. She could just head home and nobody would even notice. There was most likely going to be an after party no matter the outcome, but parties weren't really her thing. She know Chrissy would definitely be going with Jason, which left her to head home alone anyway. She was so lost in her thoughts, she jumped at the cheers as everyone rose from their seats. Lucas had won the championship game for the team.

Everyone was celebrating. Monica slid into her jacket and pulled her headphones over her ears before slipping out the side door to make her way home.

There was celebrations happening everywhere  The news had spread pretty quick about Hawkins win. Monica walked through the main doors, walking past the Hellfire Club who were also on their way out, celebrating their win against Vecna's curse.


hi:) this is my new eddie fanfic. feel free to replace monica with y/n.
based on s4 of stranger things, will be following the same story line with a few bits added/taken away to fit with mine.


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