Chapter Sixteen

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For the last two days, Monica just lay in her bed, not wanting to move. Since leaving the Upside Down, she hadn't eaten, she hadn't been in contact with the others, which did make her feel guilty, especially with Dustin, but she just couldn't brace herself to talk to anybody. She hadn't even slept. She tried, but every time she closed her eyes she couldn't get the images out of her mind. The image of Eddie's lifeless body flashed across her mind, forcing her to stay awake. It always ended in tears. She hadn't even spoken to her parents, not properly.

She returned home an absolute mess, her parents assuming it was from the 'earthquake' the news reported hit Hawkins that night. She didn't correct them. She was close with her parents and didn't want to lie to them, but they'd never understand her relationship with Eddie. His face was all over the news, wanted for murder. There was no way she could've brought up his name.

They checked in on her every now and again, thinking she was in shock after the earthquake. She put on a brave face when they came in, but then the tears would soon spill as soon as the bedroom door shut.

She lay in her old, scruffy pyjamas, not bothering to make an effort. What was the point? The same song played on repeat through her headphones. Every breath you take. Although it was deeply depressing hearing their song over and over again, she found comfort thinking about the night they shared together. The night she knew she liked him and wanted to be with Eddie Munson, even though she definitely liked him way before that night. She liked him from that first day in the boathouse. Those happy memories soon turned sad again when she realised she was never going to get to experience anything like that with him again. They were never going to have that first date.

There was a small knock on the door. She quickly sat up, wiping away her tears as the door opened.
"Dustin?" She said as the curly haired boy entered her room, closing the door behind him.
"Hey, your mom let me up. Hope you don't mind." He perched himself on the end of her bed, his leg aching from trying to get up the stairs.
She pulled her headphones off and let them rest around her neck, and shook her head. No, she didn't want company but she couldn't say no to Dustin. He looked at the girl in front of him. Her cheeks were flushed crimson and she had huge bags under her eyes like she hadn't slept a wink.
"How you holding up?" He asked, stupid question really.

Monica sniffed, not wanting to cry again. "I miss him." She choked out. Dustin wrapped his arm around her and she let out a sad smile.
"Listen, we're heading to the school with some donations from the Wheelers. I asked Steve if we could stop here first. Do you want to come with?"
"Steve's here?" She asked, feeling guilty once again. She hadn't seen Steve since that night.
"Yeah, and Robin." He nodded.

"I don't know-"
"Please Monica."

She didn't know why, but she nodded in agreement. She didn't really want to leave the house, but she'd have to soon enough.
"Just give me a sec to get changed, I'll meet you outside."
Dustin nodded with a smile. He got up, still struggling with his leg, and made his way back to the car.

Monica picked up the nearest top and skirt she could find, she didn't care what she wore. She ran a brush through her hair and tucked it behind her ears. She was about to leave, but stopped when she saw Eddie's bandana on the floor next to his t-shirt. She realised it was the only thing she had left of him. She had no pictures or anything like that. Just a bandana and a dirty old top. She hung the top up and took the bandana with her, wrapping it around her wrist.

She saw Dustin, Steve and Robin leaning again Steve's car as she opened her front door. It took a second for her eyes to adjust to the light. Steve walked over, embracing her into a hug which she immediately accepted. She didn't want to admit it, but she already felt better being around her friends and being out in the fresh air. She sat in the back with Dustin as Steve drove them to the school. Dustin was filling her in on what was happening with Max at the hospital.

What once was the school gym, was now a help centre for the residents of Hawkin's. It looked like half the town was currently crammed in. They took the boxes to the donation stand, Robin asking if there was anything else they could do to help.

Steve was folding and sorting clothes into different categories, Robin was making sandwiches and Dustin and Monica were handing out cups of water. She didn't want to go off and do anything on her own, and she's rather be with Dustin.

Dustin looked over to the missing persons board, Eddie's poster stood out to him. Monica followed his gaze, looking at the satanic scribbles all over the poster. It made her so angry she just wanted to tear it down. Dustin softly nudged her and she watched as someone did in fact take it down, and replace it.
"Mr Munson," Dustin started, placing the tray of water on a nearby table. "I'm Dustin Henderson, can we talk?"

The man sighed. "I can't imagine we got anything to talk about. My nephew is innocent."

Dustin nodded, Monica realising it was Eddie's uncle he was speaking to. She stayed a few steps behind him.

"He's still missing," Eddie's uncle continued. "I'll put up as many posters as I need to until his found. Good day to you." He said as he started to walk away, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

"I was with him," Dustin told him, making him stop. "We were with him when the earthquake hit."

Mr Munson froze, snapping his head around to the stranger in front of him. "And where's Eddie now?" He asked. Dustin could hardly answer, he started to tear up. Dustin dug in his pocket and pulled out Eddie's guitar pick necklace.
"I'm so sorry." He said, handing it over to his uncle. Monica watched, she didn't even know Dustin had taken that.

Eddie's uncle just stared at the object in front of him. It was definitely Eddie's. He held back his tears, sitting down on one of the benches behind him. Dustin could just about walk, Monica helped him over to the bench sitting besides him.
"I wish everyone has gotten to know him, because they would've loved him," Dustin spoke softly. "Even in the end, he never stopped being Eddie."

Monica could feel herself getting upset just at Dustin's words, she couldn't imagine what his uncle must be feeling.
"He fought and died to protect this town," Dustin continued as Eddie's uncle sobbed quietly next to him, "Mr Munson, he's a hero."

Tears fell down her face, which she quickly wiped away.
"That's true, he's definitely a hero." Monica nodded, agreeing. They sat for a while before Mr Munson left, he never replied but it was clear Dustin's words had touched him. Monica turned to Dustin with a smile. "You sure do have a way with words, Dustin Henderson."

The room felt dark, atmospherically but also physically. The pair shot their heads up and looked out the window, seeing a dark hue invade the sky.
"Come on." Dustin waved for her to follow him outside. They pushed past the crowd of people gathered outside. The sky was covered in white dots, like snowflakes. But they weren't snowflakes. Monica and Dustin turned to look at each other, worry spread across their faces.

This wasn't no snow. It was the Upside Down.


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