1.2 "playing dress up are we?"

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TW - same goes as last chapter/ Mentions of injury - aftermath

again same notes as chapter before about the writing style (first 500 words are from about a month ago?)

Keane's POV

“who did this to you?” I asked sharper than I intended, seeing Onyx's slight flinch - that I almost missed - at my tone.

“i-it doesn't matter, it's fine- i-i'm fine.” he rushed out, “your points been proven, you can leave now” he fidgeted with his fingers and rings with one hand, and his other wrapped loosely around his body.

“what point? Nyx you're obviously not okay”

“just forget about it, go do karaoke or whatever I don't give a shit” he stood up avoiding eye contact and started rummaging through the cabinets.

“I'm not leaving you like this” i said dumbfounded, did he seriously think I would leave him alone in this state?!

“keane please” he stops what he's doing and just stands leading against the counter, i can tell his arms are supporting him up more than his legs. But I can't ignore the way his voice broke when he said that.

“if you seriously think” i say, keeping a safe distance to keep him comfortable enough, “after all these years, I'm leaving you just cause you asked nicely-”

Before I could even finish that thought his knees buckled and he crumpled to the floor. I rushed forward and caught him before he fell.

“im sorry, I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry” he kept mumbling, clenching his fist on my shirt and sobbing into my chest. “it's okay, I'm here now, you're gonna be okay” i reassured rubbing circled on his back. It scares me so much to see him in this state I've never seen him like this, not even when we were kids.

“it hurts” he sobs, “i- it- I was so scared” he's shaking, he's trembling so much.

“its okay, I'm here now, I've got you” i whispered. Whoever did this was going to pay.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, or it could've been hours, i don't even know anymore. Onyx calmed down now, he feels embarrassed i can tell he's still hiding his face in my chest.

Suddenly he pulls away, “sorry” he scoots as far away as he can, keeping his head ducked down. “i ruined your shirt”

“i don't give a damn about this shirt, what happened Onyx?” i asked as calmly as I could at the moment.

“i-” he paused, “i have to get this cleaned up before mum's back” he pushed himself off the floor, standing on shaky legs.

As gently as I can I reach for his arm, “sit down I'll get the med kit, where is it?” he's about the protest when I give him a 'dont even try' look and he lowers his head muttering, “kitchen, bottom shelf under the sink”

I'm gone and back with the box in less then a minute. Grabbing a cloth from the drawer Onyx was previously searching through, and rinsing it under that cold tap.

I turn to where Onyx is sitting on the lid of the toilet seat with heavy lidded eyes. I tilt his head up from his chin before gently wiping away the makeup mixed with dried up blood and tears.

Onyx was quiet - a trait that would best describe the blonde - but right now the silence is deafening. Right now every minute of silence as I wipe all the dirt and grime from his pale skin, the only sound being the water splashing down the drain as I rinse the cloth when the dried blood begins to build up.

The silence feels too heavy on my shoulders as I begin to apply the butterfly stitches* to his eyebrow. Onyx startles a little at the sudden sound filling the silence but otherwise continues on avoiding my gaze.

“do you wanna talk about it?” I ask, wanting more than anything to hear him talk, to be able to help in any way I can. after a few seconds of silence I begin to think he's not going to respond when he suddenly inhales sharply through his nose.

“i can handle it myself.”

it's a statement. there's no bite to it, but there's also no anger. There's no assurance. There's just desperation. Desperation for it to be true, desperation to sound believable, desperation for-

“but you don't have to.”

it's a statement. it's my statement, my statement to Onyx. My statement to the scumbags who did this to him, made him feel he should hide this from me, from everyone, made him feel he should carry this burden alone. Onyx stills at my words so I continue.

“you don't have to handle this alone” I crouch down to eye level after finishing placing the last of the butterfly stitches “and you're not going to. we're going to deal with this. together. that's the way we've always done it right? me and you against the world”

Onyx eyes water up and I can tell he's fighting back tears but he smiles, a small, soft genuine smile and I feel my heart leap in my chest. Right now all I can feel is the overwhelming urge to do everything I can to see that smile more often, I'd spend all my money on his favourite snacks, knowing it wouldn't be a waste if it made him happy. Play all his videogames just to hear him laugh at how bad I am at playing.

Hell, I'd even stop seeing Hailey if it meant I could spend all my time with the teary eyed boy sitting Infront of me muttering about me being a ‘stupid idiot’ - but this time it definitely had no bite to it as the smile grew that bit wider as he let the words fall out - though, I was going to save the indications of that for another time.


956 words

so shorter than the first half but it's the ending for this one shot I'm so much happier with my writing now so imma try set myself with an updating schedule so stay tuned!!

ignore any errors I'm too lazy to read through rn

* butterfly stiches are what you call those plasters/bandaids that pull the skin together (for split eyebrows, etc)

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