3.1 "no son of mine"

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Please do not read if you have bad experience with any of the TW or coming out in general as it may be triggering



Onyx and Keane had a steady relationship going, they'd confessed, they'd won their game and have been going out for a few weeks (not in that order but you get the just of it)

Right now, they'd just got back from their third date, just a simple trip to the arcade together since neither of them were ready to come out yet.

Well, they were out to Keane's family seeing as Onyx has been spending a lot more time than you usually does over there lately and his sister figured it out herself eventually anyway.

Onyx hadn't told his mum yet, not cause he didn't think she'd support it, she's just been so bogged down with work lately he didn't want to disturb her.

"are you sure you don't want me to stay over tonight?" Keane asked, still stood on the path, at the other side of the gate leading into Onyx's garden.

"yeah, you gotta sleep early tonight you have practice tomorrow!" Onyx lectured, knowing the boy in question had missed the last few practices in favor of hanging out with Onyx more, resulting in Axel telling him if he didn't show up to the next one he's gonna be benched next game.

"plus, if mum's home tonight I'm hoping to tell her finally, now get outta here before your mum's cooking goes cold" he shoved his boyfriend away, but the latter sneaked in a kiss on the cheek before scurrying on home with a promise of walking to school together tomorrow.

Onyx sighed to himself contently, a small smile gracing his features before turning towards his house.

The light was on?

'mum must be home early for once' Onyx thought with a smile opening the door.

He stepped into the house slipping off his shoes, shutting the door with a soft click behind him.

"Onyx?" the blonde froze, he knew that voice-

"is that you?" the gruff voice called down the stairs.

This can't be happening, why is he here??

Onyx felt his heart pounding in his ears, "d-dad? Is that you?"

"yeah, took me awhile to find the address, your mother wouldn't give it to me, I'm your father" he grunted annoyed, Onyx could hear the opening and closing of doors.

"what are you doing?"

"looking for your birth certificate, so I can prove I deserve full custody of my son."

Onyx had reached the top step in time to see him freeze looking into the youngers room.

"what your mother let in some teenage girl into the house and not me?"

"what? That's my-"

"This can't be your room!" he stops into the room, Onyx following at a distance.

"this guitar? Don't tell me you play it, do you think you're some musician? O-Only- Only the gays use acoustic"(a/n ik it's an electric but shhhh)

"Uh n-no I bought it to uh practice, while I save up to buy an electric" Onyx flinched at the clash of the guitar being carelessly dropped back on the floor.

"oh thank fuck I thought you were boutta tell me she raised a homo" the brunette said with a laugh, earning a nervous chuckle from the younger.

"is that your own bathroom?" the dark eyed man exclaimed, "i knew Chloe's job made a lot but" he whistled when he opened the door peering around. "There's so many cabinet's too!"

Onyx felt his heart drop, shit shit shit! If he goes through the drawers he'll see left over makeup Keane bought from when he was dressing up as 'Lynx' shit I needa- i- I gotta-

"What is this shit!?" Onyx snapped his eyes towards his father, watching as he picked up a foundation bottle locking eyes with his son.

Onyx didn't know what to do as he froze up in fear, he felt the color drain from his face.

Of course for the older man the lack of response was enough of a response as the anger on his face multiplied and he smashes the glass bottle on the ground. He scrambled for the rest of the products to do the same, before giving up on gathering them all and throwing the drawer across the tiled room.

Satisfied with the destruction he looks back up at Onyx before stomping his way over.

Onyx begins backing up before bumping into the wall behind him, just say something you idiot, say its mum's o-or your girlfriends just say something.

Onyx can think of a million excuses but nothing is slipping past his lips.

"ill make sure that women regrets raising you wrong" he snaps grabbing the blondes wrist too tightly and dragging him down the stairs.

It's just like back then- I gotta do something, anything mum could be back soon and- and

"Onyx Hun? Is that you"



Helllooooo sorry guys about the late update I actually wrote this chapter a few weeks back but didn't post it since I didn't have part 2 even started (I had writers block with this fic tbh) but I finished part 2 so I decided to post this,

Please know my DMS are opening if you need someone to talk to and stay safe!! <3

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