6.1 you can change your name and change your mind

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another story for the amazing @HunterXHunterXSimp

if any of this it's triggering for you please take a break from reading, your mental health comes first <3



“im going to the bathroom real quick okay?” Keane says with a wink while he stands from the table.

“'kay” Onyx replies pulling out his phone. And, the nerves start to creep in, are they really doing this? are they really gonna do it?

He's pulled from his thoughts by the feeling of someone staring at him. “what” he asks the brunette waiter standing Infront of him.

“i was just wondering if I could get your pretty face anything else?” he asked with a wink, “my number perhaps?”

“no” Onyx or ‘Lynx’ says as he stood from the table grathering his stuff.

“tsss too cold” the waiter whined going back to gathering the dishes from their table.

Onyx stepped outside realising it had started to rain slightly, he looked around and his eyes fell on the sheltered shop across the street. He hurried himself across the road and slipped a text to Keane letting him know where he was.

“there he is” came a voice somewhere to Onyx's left. The familiarity made Onyx freeze no it can't be, not him, not now.

“my one and only son” the older man continued as he stood from where he sat on the ground, beet bottles scattered around him.

“Being gay wasn't enough for you was it?!” he grabbed a bottle and made his way towards Onyx. The blonde was frozen like a deer caught in headlights, his only movement the unwanted trembles of fear.

“And you couldn't even stop at dressing like a whore” he snarled, grabbing Onyx's collar, “you live being that boy's bitch so much you had to dress like one?, and to go even further, you have the audacity to show up to my business meetings, dressed like a hooker

He yanked Onyx towards himself, “do you know how embarrassed I was? My one and only son, my one and only failure. Prancing around like a lil bitch so all my colleagues could see?”

He raised his hand, “Look at yourself!” he shouted pulling off his wig, this time raising the hand with the bottle, “you useless, disgusting, gay freak!!” And with that, he slammed the bottle down, hard on the youngers head.

Glass shattered everywhere and Onyx staggered back, the would immediately began to flow with blood. “How did I end up with a son like you” the brunette continued. “im trying to hard to fix you, and nothing is working.” the older man paced back and forth.

All around Onyx felt like it was buzzing, his head throbbed in pain, his eyes felt heavy and the world felt like it was buzzing, everything was blurry, one eye already shut due to the fast pace blood flow. Thankfully due to his great scores in biology he knew, it was a good sign if head injuries bled a lot as that was the normal outcome, he also knew he probably had a concussion.

what he didn't know was how to get out of this mess. His legs felt like jelly, and his breaths were coming out in panicked staggers, at this rate it was a matter of time before he passed out due to lack of oxygen.

The brunette stopped his pacing and his eyes darted towards Onyx who lay against the wall eyes fluttering closed every few seconds.

“i know how I can fix you” he said darkly, grabbing the boy by his shirt and dragging him towards his car. Onyx briefly thought ‘if bleeding out doesn't kill me, his drunken driving certainly will’ before he passed out after being thrown into the backseat of the car and hitting his head on the door.


Keane stepped out of the bathroom and looked at the empty table, the restaurant was closing soon so they probably asked Onyx to leave.

As he made his way towards the door her heard the muttered chatter of two of the waiters,

“yeah, that chairman was so scary”

“im so ready to hire my own personal bodyguard after serving him. the coworkers were nice though.”

“he was so angry, and even half and hour after they all left, I think I seen him sitting outside the apartment building drinking more.”

“maybe his wife left him, looks like the kind that would cheat”

Keane then tuned out the rest they said and he rushed outside. They couldn't be talking about Onyx's dad right?

When he stepped outside he was met with silence. He glanced around but Onyx wasn't anywhere to be seen. He pulled out his phone to see a text notification from the boy in question.

Nyxie 🖤
started raining, I'm across the street

Keane made his way across and had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, where are you Onyx?

after calling out and searching for the boy for a few minutes, to no avail, he stopped when he stepped on something and it crunched.

He looked down to see pieces of shattered glass, the color of beer bottles all scattered around the ground.

He noticed a few drops of blood gathered on the ground. Then he froze, his heart pummeled in this chest no no no no, he rushed over and picked up the blonde wig that was thrown away behind the rubbish bin.

This can't be happening. He pulled out his phone and called Onyx and few times, but it kept going to voicemail. Not knowing what else to do he called his mum.

“M-um something really bad has happened to Onyx. i- I think it was his dad”

900 words
short one, I know sorry guys.

anyway thank my lovely reader HunterxHunterxSimp for the amazing idea, I hope I wrote it to your standards.

as always leave and new ideas here --->

(request whatever and I'll lyk whether I will write it or not, some subjects are too personal to for me to write, so I'll try work around it with you <3)

as always stay safe and I'll see you hopefully in the next one :)

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