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Crab claw: is a weaponized boomerang that can be thrown and always come back to the creator and when infused with an elemtal crystal can be invaded in the type of element of the crystal in heavy mode becomes bigger and a bit heavier in light gets two and really fast.

Crab claw: is a weaponized boomerang that can be thrown and always come back to the creator and when infused with an elemtal crystal can be invaded in the type of element of the crystal in heavy mode becomes bigger and a bit heavier in light gets ...

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King crab legs: when this sword was made with a light weight metal where it can still its attacks are very strong and heavy can combine with the back of the user to pop out crab legs to attack really fast.

King crab legs: when this sword was made with a light weight metal where it can still its attacks are very strong and heavy can combine with the back of the user to pop out crab legs to attack really fast

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Krab: E's primal companion he found him on the beach really hurt so he took it to D so he can bring him back but he became bigger and now really likes to hide in E's shirt.

(Imagine tan)Guardián of the sand: a armor made out of inspiration of anti ent samurai and he made his so time looks slower for him in here and his speed is greatly increased

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(Imagine tan)
Guardián of the sand: a armor made out of inspiration of anti ent samurai and he made his so time looks slower for him in here and his speed is greatly increased.

(Imagine tan)Guardián of the sand: a armor made out of inspiration of anti ent samurai and he made his so time looks slower for him in here and his speed is greatly increased

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And now for the bio

E.C.K: he was in the same orphanage as his sister just like her had no idea who there parents were unknown to them all of the children and the caretaker's hated them because of there extra parts what he has crab legs on his back they can pop out and a chimpanzee tail when he want's to be in a group with friends and he wanted a big sister he saw that in a girl that played with them they were friends maybe they would be siblings and that was until he heard the truth and he hated her and that is when he used his real power to escape from there and that is it and he went to live on earth E is mostly silent but when not he really like's to talk about any conversation he can get in he likes to wear a shirt and a lot of the times hoddies and he has holes on the back of them people wonder what they are for and when he does his legs come out of there but the thing is krab really likes to act like a hat for him.

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