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Like in L's chapter new old and what people call him.

Old: Sammy schnee
New: sunny claws sun.
Nickname: S
(Imagine white)

Coyote claws: a axe that can make the user as fast as light no matter what it is really light but can almost destroy anything and can combine with the user to gain claws and boost speed and attack the tube on the bottom can open up for elemental crystals Light mode makes it into hatchets and can be Used for faster attacks heavy is still a work in progress for him.

Coyote claws: a axe that can make the user as fast as light no matter what it is really light but can almost destroy anything and can combine with the user to gain claws and boost speed and attack the tube on the bottom can open up for elemental c...

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(Imagine white)

Light rays: a very fast lmg he uses it to fire really fast and he can switch to light and heavy mode when in heavy mode can fire bigger bullets but the recoil increases a lot and in light it runs out of bullets faster and also fires extremely fast.

Light rays: a very fast lmg he uses it to fire really fast and he can switch to light and heavy mode when in heavy mode can fire bigger bullets but the recoil increases a lot and in light it runs out of bullets faster and also fires extremely fast

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Cay: when S found him he was alone and very hurt so he took him in and also made him his primal companion.

(Imagine white)Axe man of the pack: he looked up to his older brother so much that he made his armor with a few modifications for him it has a shine feature to blind his enemy's and a speed option to run at light speed

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(Imagine white)
Axe man of the pack: he looked up to his older brother so much that he made his armor with a few modifications for him it has a shine feature to blind his enemy's and a speed option to run at light speed.

(Imagine white)Axe man of the pack: he looked up to his older brother so much that he made his armor with a few modifications for him it has a shine feature to blind his enemy's and a speed option to run at light speed

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And now for the bio.

When he was born he was seen as a freak in the eyes of his family and never treated like one they used him as a stress reliever along with his sister and when the only person who was nice to them both was there sister Weiss when they had the idea to leave they took the chance with there new family and started to live in there new lives together he may seem like his sister but he is kinda they opposite and can be really fast unlike her and also he can shine light from any reflective surface so in battle make sure to be careful he likes to wear a white shirt and also shorts.

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