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Also goes by branwen

Panther tail: electric bow staffs that can be dual-wielded and can combine with the user to make a tail to attack them and shock enemies when used right can be used for devastating attacks and serious electrical damage.

Thunders Mark: an electric powers sniper with the downside of it and very looping too much energy and will eventually shock the user unless they can use thunder and with the right weapon can surpass the downside of the shots

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Thunders Mark: an electric powers sniper with the downside of it and very looping too much energy and will eventually shock the user unless they can use thunder and with the right weapon can surpass the downside of the shots.

Thunders Mark: an electric powers sniper with the downside of it and very looping too much energy and will eventually shock the user unless they can use thunder and with the right weapon can surpass the downside of the shots

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Pan: her primal companion was one of her and Leslie's pet cats but she helped make him into her primal companion.

Pan: her primal companion was one of her and Leslie's pet cats but she helped make him into her primal companion

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Electric storm: an armor connected to her thunder magic and can be connected to her weapon for extra damage.

Electric storm: an armor connected to her thunder magic and can be connected to her weapon for extra damage

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And now for the bio.

Connie: she with her twin sister Leslie she was found and adopted by the arcs and also trained but when they found out that she and her sister had no aura they started to hurt her and her sister and after all of the pain her and her sister and brother met two familiar faces her cousin Diego and her aunt and when they fought for there freedom they won and got to go back home.

Hey sorry I did not do this a long time ago I have a lot of homework to do and it is really tough so thanks for your guy's patience i apréciate it so thanks.

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