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Old name: Lucy schnee.

New name: Luna shadow talon's.

Nickname basically what everyone calls her:L

Owl's talons: a dual-edged scythe that can be twisted and separated for more speedy attacks to the enemy and heavy mode can make a whole circle of it and damage all of the opponents used correctly and can combine with users feet for razor-sharp talons and wings the middle can open up for elemental crystals.

Owl's talons: a dual-edged scythe that can be twisted and separated for more speedy attacks to the enemy and heavy mode can make a whole circle of it and damage all of the opponents used correctly and can combine with users feet for razor-sharp ta...

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Shadows grasp: a pistol that L made that can help her when her primary weapon is charging can use shells but mostly shadow shells where she can shoot at shadows and the person who's shadow she shot will be hurt.

Hooty: L's primal companion she really likes him for the reason he comes out and visits her at night but one day he stopped visiting her and she got worried until she snuck out and found him almost dead so she took him back and remembered what D t...

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Hooty: L's primal companion she really likes him for the reason he comes out and visits her at night but one day he stopped visiting her and she got worried until she snuck out and found him almost dead so she took him back and remembered what D told her about primal companion so she finished fixing him up and he was her new friend.

Hooty: L's primal companion she really likes him for the reason he comes out and visits her at night but one day he stopped visiting her and she got worried until she snuck out and found him almost dead so she took him back and remembered what D t...

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Nocturnal shadow: her armor that allows her to see in dark and when she is in the dark she gets a lot faster and sneakier almost like she makes no sound.

Nocturnal shadow: her armor that allows her to see in dark and when she is in the dark she gets a lot faster and sneakier almost like she makes no sound

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And now for the bio

L.S.T: she was born into the schnee family with her and her brother she has only one person in there they could call family there older sister Weiss there father and sister were abusive to her and there mother never even acknowledged them once so they were always together and never apart and when they made a plan for all three of them to escape and when they met there new siblings they chose it to escape when they did they finished a fight and fled into their new lives L might be silent to most people but don't let that fool you she is really sneaky and deadly when she needs to and she can strike from anywhere and her one companion in battle are the shadows she might seem cute to others but her family knows her true nature she likes to wear mostly shorts with skirts and a shirt with hoodie and they have holes for her owl wings and spider leg's.

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