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Old name: Juan ren

New name: Juan aire talon (aire means air in Spanish)

Hawk wings: a katana that can have the dial on the handle spin for air attacks can combine with the user to make wings for him to fly around and to slash what his wings come into contact with and the spin dial can turn to make special attacks and ...

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Hawk wings: a katana that can have the dial on the handle spin for air attacks can combine with the user to make wings for him to fly around and to slash what his wings come into contact with and the spin dial can turn to make special attacks and also clones.

Wind Waker: A sniper that can use air to make shots faster and also can use it to curve itself to its target with the right airwaves.

Flabio: an eagle that he used to feed and they bonded after all of the times he did and when he was still normal and then he took him to his house then Benny came and but him J was pissed and called Leslie and she got him off then used all he knew...

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Flabio: an eagle that he used to feed and they bonded after all of the times he did and when he was still normal and then he took him to his house then Benny came and but him J was pissed and called Leslie and she got him off then used all he knew of engineering to fix him up.

Flabio: an eagle that he used to feed and they bonded after all of the times he did and when he was still normal and then he took him to his house then Benny came and but him J was pissed and called Leslie and she got him off then used all he knew...

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Air tome: a tome is an artifact that people can learn more about their elements and skills from them and they can use to also boost magic when near the user when they are next to another one the owners can combine the powers of their tomes.

Air tome: a tome is an artifact that people can learn more about their elements and skills from them and they can use to also boost magic when near the user when they are next to another one the owners can combine the powers of their tomes

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Hawks flight: an armor that can use the jets on the side to take flight and make sure he can deal a bunch of damage from high up with his sniper.

Hawks flight: an armor that can use the jets on the side to take flight and make sure he can deal a bunch of damage from high up with his sniper

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Now for the bio:

J.A.T: he was a normal child and had a normal life when his father left and never came back he and his sister went through so much pain and they were never treated right and after they were told countless times that they were the reason that their father is gone they still cared enough for their family that they left and wandered their village and also met a girl that was like them they all had the idea to steal bread from a nearby stand so they could survive and then when they were caught they were going to return it until two mysterious adults said they would pay for it they were brought to a forest where they met there new parents and also siblings it is known to his siblings that he speaks with two languages when he speaks sometimes and cares greatly for his family and also he loves to be free and feel the air so that is why he wears short-sleeved shorts and also shorts and also a poncho he is noted to take up the Mexican style from his family but one thing is known about him he may seem calm and cool but when he enters a fight he will use what he has and is the most strategic of his family.

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