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Old name: Briana ren
New name: Briana Humming Bird

Humming song: a katana that has a slot that can use elemental crystals and also air canisters for the user to slash power to increase and can put elemental crystals in the spot of the container to use elemental slashes and can combine to their back and make wings to fly around.

(imagine silver)

Airborne assault: a heavy shotgun that can fire three shots at once and can change the barrels around that are filled with elemental crystal shards and can make elemental shots from them

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Airborne assault: a heavy shotgun that can fire three shots at once and can change the barrels around that are filled with elemental crystal shards and can make elemental shots from them.

Humington: a mechanical hummingbird that was made into B's primal companion she once found her in a forest and brought her back and fed her and she was almost at her end but B used bits of machines and also what she could find to make her like she...

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Humington: a mechanical hummingbird that was made into B's primal companion she once found her in a forest and brought her back and fed her and she was almost at her end but B used bits of machines and also what she could find to make her like she is and B is proud of her.

Humington: a mechanical hummingbird that was made into B's primal companion she once found her in a forest and brought her back and fed her and she was almost at her end but B used bits of machines and also what she could find to make her like she...

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Jet strike: like her brother, she made an armor that would help her fly in the air and let her feel the wind on her body and fly the air with no worries.

Jet strike: like her brother, she made an armor that would help her fly in the air and let her feel the wind on her body and fly the air with no worries

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And now for the bio.

B.H.B: she was a very cheerful girl that loved her family and did not give a care in the world her life was great with two older brothers that she like and two great parents until her father left and never came back and then they were in immense pain in both emotionally and also physically because they were blamed for why their father was dead and eventually she believed that they were right and she left and met a ginger haired girl that was in the same place as them and they also were all hungry and we're about to take some bread and when they did they got caught and we're about to return it and that was when they met new people that would change their lives they left their old lives for new ones it is noted from their family that she is the most carefree and easygoing with no care for the world and she is very out of it and spaces out a lot and she wears short shirts and also shorts that let her feel free with no problem.

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